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Giant Land Octopus
Giant Land Octopus
Consecrated SnowfieldGrace
Gael TunnelGrace
Hidden Path to the HaligtreeGrace
Highroad CaveGrace
Liurnia Highway SouthGrace
Liurnia of the LakesRegion
Ruin-Strewn PrecipiceGrace
Ruin-Strewn Precipice OverlookGrace
Siofra RiverDungeon
Land Octopus Ovary1
Octopus Head0.005
Strip of White Flesh0.25
Kraken Kraken
Most commonly found near any bodies of water. LimgraveRegion. 2 on the western beaches, north of the Coastal CaveGrace Site of Grace. 1 in a pond, south of the SaintsbridgeGrace Site of Grace. Commonly scattered across Agheel Lake, the large body of water in the center of LimgraveRegion. Siofra RiverDungeon Found in north-western edges of the map, on the ground levels of the river. Liurnia of the LakesRegion South-west of Temple QuarterGrace Site of Grace. Many are found in the Hidden Path to the HaligtreeGrace Weeping PeninsulaRegion South-west of the Minor ErdtreeErdtree in the area Consecrated SnowfieldGrace Some are found near the frozen river, and be lured to fight against Theodorix. Land Octopuses take reduced damage to all areas except their beak. The octopus can be staggered with a single charged heavy attack from a sufficiently heavy weapon (e. g. Pickaxe). They take massive damage from critical hits. Giant Octopuses are very weak to Hemorrhage, any weapon that can bleed will be very effective. If damaged significantly, it will eat one of its tentacles to regain health. The tentacles can also be cut off, reducing its range of attack, but it can regenerate them. Beware of the long reach of its forward attacks. Land Octopuses will sometimes eat one of their tentacles to heal themselves, and staggering them before the end of the animation will prevent the healing. A similar enemy, the Kraken, is found in the game King's Field, also made by From. A giant Kraken in that game serves as a sort of boss. Giant Land Octopus Lore Lore Items Related to Giant Land OctopusGiant Land Octopusnd near any bodies of water. Limgrave. 2 on the western beaches, north of the Coastal Cave Site of Grace. 1 in a pond, south of the Saintsbridge Site of Grace. Commonly scattered across Agheel Lake, the large body of water in the center of Limgrave. Siofra River Found in north-western edges of the map, on the ground levels of the river. Liurnia of the Lakes South-west of Temple Quarter Site of Grace. Many are found in the Hidden Path to the Haligtree Weeping Peninsula South-west of the Minor Erdtree in the area Consecrated Snowfield Some are found near the frozen river, and be lured to fight against Theodorix. Land Octopuses take reduced damage to all areas except their beak. The octopus can be staggered with a single charged heavy attack from a sufficiently heavy weapon (e. g. Pickaxe). They take massive damage from critical hits. Giant Octopuses are very weak to Hemorrhage, any weapon that can bleed will be very effective. If damaged significantly, it will eat one of its tentacles to regain health. The tentacles can also be cut off, reducing its range of attack, but it can regenerate them. Beware of the long reach of its forward attacks. Land Octopuses will sometimes eat one of their tentacles to heal themselves, and staggering them before the end of the animation will prevent the healing. A similar enemy, the Kraken, is found in the game King's Field, also made by From. A giant Kraken in that game serves as a sort of boss. Giant Land Octopus Lore Lore Items Related to Giant Land Octopus