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Giant Lobster
Giant Lobster
Cerulean CoastRegion
Gravesite PlainRegion
Liurnia of the LakesRegion
Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion
Scadu AltusRegion
Subterranean Shunning-GroundsDungeon
Crab Eggs0.25
Rimed Crystal Bud0.5
Smithing Stone [2]0.1
Smithing Stone [5]0.07
Smithing Stone [6]0.04
Smithing Stone [7]0.07
Smithing Stone [8]1
Smithing Stones
Strip of White Flesh1
Can be staggered and riposted. Poise: 80. Parryable: No. Deals Standard Damage and can grab the player with their left claw. Very vulnerable to attacks from below (can be performed with skills like Giant Hunt). Have 2 riposte points: The abdomen, perfomed after a poise-break The head, when performed after being put to sleep Often confused for Lobsters; their AI is called Zarigani, which is Japanese for Crayfish. Their notorious spit attack has possibly the longest range in the entire game, and can traveling roughly 1,500m before disappearing. There are some Crayfish that have eggs on them. They are always found sleeping in a large group. Red-eyed variants always drop Smithing Stones, but are much more tankier. They also have a strange wriggling mass on their undersides, likely referencing parasites that target crustaceans such as the lungworm. This mesh is labeled worm in the files. Giant Crayfish