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Giant Skeleton (Spirit)
Giant Skeleton (Spirit)
Mohgwyn PalaceLandmark
Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion
Can be summoned by the Tibia Mariner in the Wyndham RuinsLandmark, and the large topless red-skinned Second-Generation Albinaurics using their Curved Great Club as a giant horn. Once these latter summoners are attacked, the Giant Skeleton (Spirit) they summoned disappears. The Giant Skeletons in the graveyards of the Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion don't have a summoner, and will continue to spawn after the nearby Tibia Mariner is defeated. Like Inaba (Spirit) and Lesser Dragonkin Soldier (Spirit), they drop no Runes upon death. It is based off of the mythological y kai, Gashadokuro, and is referred to as such in the game files.