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Godrick the Grafted
Godrick the Grafted
Stormveil CastleDungeon
Godrick's Great Rune
Remembrance of the Grafted
A lowly Tarnished, playing as a lord. I command thee, kneel I am the lord of all that is golden
Health: 6,080 HP. Defense: 105. Stance: 105 Parryable: No Is vulnerable to a critical hit after being stance broken Has increased defense during phase transition His Stormcaller attack deflects throwable items like arrows and pots. Damage: Standard, Strike (phase 1) Standard, Fire, Strike (phase 2) Drops 20,000, Godrick's Great Rune, Remembrance of the Grafted Negations (or Absorptions). Standard: 0 Slash: 0 Strike: 0 Pierce: 0 Magic: 20 Fire: 20 Lightning: 20 Holy: 40 The negation numbers are the of your damage that gets blocked. For example, if a negation is 60, 40 of that damage by that type will go through and 60 will be negated. Bigger number less damage. A negation of 100 means no damage goes through, and a negation of -100 mean the enemy takes 2x damage from that source. 0 means damage goes pretty much as is. Resistances Poison: 318 / 416 / 706 / 1163 Scarlet Rot: 318 / 416 / 706 / 1163 Hemorrhage: 318 / 416 / 706 / 1163 Frostbite: 318 / 416 / 706 / 1163 Sleep: 318 / 416 / 706 / 1163 Madness: Immune The resistance numbers are the buildup amount to trigger it. For example, if a resistance is 100 you must deal 100 points of the given buildup to trigger it. Note that these go down over time, and increase each time the effect procs. The values after the / s indicate the increased resistances after each successive proc. NG and Beyond. NG NG NG 2 NG 3 NG 4 NG 5 NG 6 NG 7 HP 6,080 13,047 14,351 15,004 15,656 16,961 17,613 18,265 Defense 105 117 120 123 129 135 141 152 Runes 20,000 80,000 88,000 90,000 96,000 98,000 100,000 102,000 Resistances Poison 318 / 416 / 706 / 1163 167 / 265 / 555 / 1012 169 / 267 / 557 / 1014 172 / 270 / 560 / 1017 174 / 272 / 562 / 1019 177 / 275 / 565 / 1022 179 / 277 / 567 / 1024 182 / 280 / 570 / 1027 Scarlet Rot 318 / 416 / 706 / 1163 167 / 265 / 555 / 1012 169 / 267 / 557 / 1014 172 / 270 / 560 / 1017 174 / 272 / 562 / 1019 177 / 275 / 565 / 1022 179 / 277 / 567 / 1024 182 / 280 / 570 / 1027 Hemorrhage 318 / 416 / 706 / 1163 167 / 265 / 555 / 1012 169 / 267 / 557 / 1014 172 / 270 / 560 / 1017 174 / 272 / 562 / 1019 177 / 275 / 565 / 1022 179 / 277 / 567 / 1024 182 / 280 / 570 / 1027 Frostbite 318 / 416 / 706 / 1163 167 / 265 / 555 / 1012 169 / 267 / 557 / 1014 172 / 270 / 560 / 1017 174 / 272 / 562 / 1019 177 / 275 / 565 / 1022 179 / 277 / 567 / 1024 182 / 280 / 570 / 1027 Sleep 318 / 416 / 706 / 1163 167 / 265 / 555 / 1012 169 / 267 / 557 / 1014 172 / 270 / 560 / 1017 174 / 272 / 562 / 1019 177 / 275 / 565 / 1022 179 / 277 / 567 / 1024 182 / 280 / 570 / 1027 Madness Immune