Godskin Apostle
Location | |
Altus PlateauGrace | |
CaelidRegion | |
Divine Tower of CaelidTower | |
Dominula, Windmill VillageLandmark | |
DragonbarrowRegion | |
Dragonbarrow ForkGrace | |
Dragonbarrow WestGrace | |
Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion | |
Windmill VillageGrace | |
Drops | |
Godskin Apostle Set | |
Godskin Peeler | |
Scouring Black Flame | |
Runes | |
14000 | |
Description | |
The apostles, once said to serve Destined Death, are wielders of the god-slaying black flame.
But after their defeat by Maliketh, the Black Blade, the source of their power was sealed away. | |
Notes | |
Dominula, Windmill VillageLandmark.
Divine Tower of CaelidTower
Stance: 80.
Parryable: Yes, but 2 parries are required per stance break.
Is vulnerable to a critical hit after being stance broken or parried
Damage: Slash, Pierce, Fire
Negations (or Absorptions)
Standard: 0
Slash: -10
Strike: 10
Pierce: 0
Magic: 20
Fire: 40
Lightning: 20
Holy: 40
The negation numbers are the of your damage that gets blocked.
For example, if a negation is 60, 40 of that damage by that type will go through and 60 will be negated.
Bigger number less damage.
A negation of 100 means no damage goes through, and a negation of -100 mean the enemy takes 2x damage from that source.
0 means damage goes pretty much as is.
Godskin Apostle Boss Guide
Godskin Apostle Fight Strategy.
The Best Tips for Godskin Apostle:
Use sleep pots with a strong spirit summon such as Lhutel the Headless 4 to bait the Apostle to provide an opening for the pot to land.
If the pot is a direct hit and he stays in the cloud, 1 pot will put him to sleep.
If he exits the cloud, a second pot will put him to sleep (doesn't work with online players summoned).
Use a bleed weapon with the BloodFlame enchantment, and land a 3x charged combo attack when he is sleeping to do more damage/ bleed build up than performing a critical hit would do.
Do this a few times and the fight is done.
Maintain a medium distance from him at all times
Use Glintstone Stars, Glintblade Phalanx or any multi-hit spells that deal Magic damage to break his poise
Melee Users
The Godskin Apostle is a powerful boss equipped with a twinblade that has a sickle-end for slashing and a blade-end for thrusting and stabbing.
He utilizes Black Flame spells similar to the monks earlier in the tower.
When fighting this boss, you want to maintain a medium distance to avoid many of his attacks and only close in during openings.
His melee attacks have a bit of weight to them and he does short wind-ups before attacking, similar to but not to the same extent as Margit at Stormveil.
Some notable attack windows are when he performs his Stab & Slash; he has a moderate recovery time after the second attack in which you can safely get one or two hits in.
Another one is his Jumping Overhead Slash which has a slightly longer recovery than other attacks and can guarantee 2 hits for you.
These two attacks are relatively easy to dodge.
The attacks you should watch out for are his Black Flame as it travels quite quickly, you should dodge as soon as you see the casting rune; and his Stab & Pull which hits twice for massive damage.
Another move he may use is the Spinning Weapon in which he twirls his blade in front of him as he advances forward.
Maintain your distance or dodge through and behind him.
When his HP is lowered to 60 , he will float upwards briefly and then slam down, creating a shockwave around him, signifying his second phase.
Get away from him when you see him float.
From this point, he can unlatch the skin of his upper torso from the rest of his body and fling it around to greatly extend his reach as well as unlock new abilities.
His notable attack windows during this phase is when he uses the Flight variant of Spinning Weapon, in which he flings his upper torso outwards while spinning his weapon.
His lower body remains stationary and if you can dodge through his weapon, he will be vulnerable to attack from his elongated abdomen to his legs for the duration of the attack as his torso is locked in the animation.
He will also frequently use a Plunging Blade & Sweep move where he flings his torso upwards and then slams down with his weapon, followed by a very wide sweeping slash.
Both hits are easy to read and can be outranged or dodged and he is vulnerable for a couple of seconds after the sweep.
Lastly, he can perform a Black Flame Whirlwind attack where he twirls his weapon in place, creating a whirlwind extending outwards all around him.
The attack culminates with him plunging his blade into the ground and causing the whirlwind to burst and extend outwards a short distance from its initial edge.
Do not stand too close to the edge even when the whirlwind has stopped moving.
Magic and Ranged Users
The strategy for ranged players is largely the same and in fact, they may have an edge as the Apostle's attacks hit below medium range, which is where ranged players want to stay at anyway.
The Godskin Apostle seems susceptible to magic damage and his poise can be broken rather easily by using multi-hit spells such as Glintblade Phalanx or Glintstone Stars, allowing you to get a critical attack in.
Godskin Apostle Attacks & Counters
Black Flame
The Apostle's bread & butter skill.
Raises his left hand and conjures a black fireball that he then tosses towards his target.
The projectile has a rather fast travel speed and deals damage over time for a couple of seconds after a direct hit.
Dodge sideways or through the fireball as it comes towards you
Stab & Pull
The Apostle quickly stabs with the sickle-end of his twinblade and then pulls back.
The attack can deal damage twice if the first hit connects.
The attack has a narrow hitbox so dodge diagonally backwards.
Requires precise timing.
Alternatively, you can maintain a medium distance from him when not attacking to get out of range of the attack.
Spinning Weapon
The Apostle twirls his weapon in front him very quickly as he slowly advances.
This attack will shred HP if it connects.
Sprint away from the Apostle or dodge through and circle around his backside if you are caught too close to him.
Stab & Slash
The Apostle stabs downward with the blade-end of his twinblade and then spins around as he moves sideways, ending with a downward slash with the sickle.
Dodge backwards.
If you avoid the stab, the slash will not hit you as the Apostle only moves sideways during this attack.
The slash has a moderate recovery time and you can get one attack in safely.
Jumping Overhead Slash
The Apostle leaps upwards and then slashes downwards in front of him.
The attack has a quick animation.
Dodge sideways or behind him as soon as he starts to descend.
This attack has one of the longest recoveries in the Apostle's repertoire, allowing you to get at least 2 hits in when he lands.
Below 60 HP Threshold
Once the Apostle is brought down to 60 of his health, he will cross his arms and float upwards and then slam down, releasing a shockwave in a small radius around him.
This signifies the start of Phase 2 where he unseats the skin of his torso from his body, allowing him to fling his upper half around, giving him much greater range.
He also modifies some attacks and gains new ones during this phase.
Spinning Weapon Flight
The Apostle flings his torso outwards while spinning his weapon.
His lower half stays in place.
Dodge through his weapon successfully and you will have a few seconds to get up to 4 hits in on his lower body or elongated abdomen section.
His torso will be locked in animation in the extended position.
Plunging Blade & Sweep
A combo attack where the Apostle flings his torso upwards and then plunges the blade-end of his weapon downwards.
He then follows up with a very wide sweep as his torso returns to neutral position.
Both attacks can easily be outranged or dodged through due to the delayed execution of each.
Dodge sideways for the plunge and dodge through the sweep.
You can get one or two hits as he recovers.
Black Flame Tornado
The Apostle's weapon is engulfed in black flames and he begins twirling it above him, creating a whirlwind of black flames that extends outwards in a large radius around him.
He then plunges his blade into the ground causing the whirlwind to burst at the edges.
Back away from the Apostle as he creates the whirlwind.
Be careful not to stand close to the edge of the whirlwind as the final burst will cause it to extend a short distance outwards.
Black Flame Sweeps
The Apostle stretches his body and swings his weapon around him, while leaving behind a trail of black flame.
Either get close or run away.
Godskin Apostle Notes & Other Trivia
The Godskin Apostles' theme is not in Latin.
The lyrics are mostly nonsensical latinish syllables and vowel sounds arranged in a way that makes them sound like Latin.
This was confirmed by youtuber Antonius Tertius (aka redditor MAGISTER-ORGANI), a Latin scholar, who contacted some music producers and singers of and published the official lyrics and backstage information on his channel.
Among the official singers who recorded the Godskin Apostles' theme, there were no children as some believe.
The sopranos were all adult women.
This was confirmed by youtuber Antonius Tertius who contacted members of the choir hired by Bandai.
Along with their Noble comrades, they served the Gloam-Eyed Queen and wielded Black Flame to slay the gods and wear their skin.
Godskin Apostle Dominula, Windmill VillageLandmark.
Godskin Peeler
Scouring Black FlameBlack FlameWindmill Village.
Divine Tower of Caelid
Stance: 80.
Parryable: Yes, but 2 parries are required per stance break.
Is vulnerable to a critical hit after being stance broken or parried
Damage: Slash, Pierce, Fire
Negations (or Absorptions)
Standard: 0
Slash: -10
Strike: 10
Pierce: 0
Magic: 20
Fire: 40
Lightning: 20
Holy: 40
The negation numbers are the of your damage that gets blocked.
For example, if a negation is 60, 40 of that damage by that type will go through and 60 will be negated.
Bigger number less damage.
A negation of 100 means no damage goes through, and a negation of -100 mean the enemy takes 2x damage from that source.
0 means damage goes pretty much as is.
Godskin Apostle Boss Guide
Godskin Apostle Fight Strategy.
The Best Tips for Godskin Apostle:
Use sleep pots with a strong spirit summon such as Lhutel the Headless 4 to bait the Apostle to provide an opening for the pot to land.
If the pot is a direct hit and he stays in the cloud, 1 pot will put him to sleep.
If he exits the cloud, a second pot will put him to sleep (doesn't work with online players summoned).
Use a bleed weapon with the BloodFlame enchantment, and land a 3x charged combo attack when he is sleeping to do more damage/ bleed build up than performing a critical hit would do.
Do this a few times and the fight is done.
Maintain a medium distance from him at all times
Use Glintstone Stars, Glintblade Phalanx or any multi-hit spells that deal Magic damage to break his poise
Melee Users
The Godskin Apostle is a powerful boss equipped with a twinblade that has a sickle-end for slashing and a blade-end for thrusting and stabbing.
He utilizes Black Flame spells similar to the monks earlier in the tower.
When fighting this boss, you want to maintain a medium distance to avoid many of his attacks and only close in during openings.
His melee attacks have a bit of weight to them and he does short wind-ups before attacking, similar to but not to the same extent as Margit at Stormveil.
Some notable attack windows are when he performs his Stab & Slash; he has a moderate recovery time after the second attack in which you can safely get one or two hits in.
Another one is his Jumping Overhead Slash which has a slightly longer recovery than other attacks and can guarantee 2 hits for you.
These two attacks are relatively easy to dodge.
The attacks you should watch out for are his Black Flame as it travels quite quickly, you should dodge as soon as you see the casting rune; and his Stab & Pull which hits twice for massive damage.
Another move he may use is the Spinning Weapon in which he twirls his blade in front of him as he advances forward.
Maintain your distance or dodge through and behind him.
When his HP is lowered to 60 , he will float upwards briefly and then slam down, creating a shockwave around him, signifying his second phase.
Get away from him when you see him float.
From this point, he can unlatch the skin of his upper torso from the rest of his body and fling it around to greatly extend his reach as well as unlock new abilities.
His notable attack windows during this phase is when he uses the Flight variant of Spinning Weapon, in which he flings his upper torso outwards while spinning his weapon.
His lower body remains stationary and if you can dodge through his weapon, he will be vulnerable to attack from his elongated abdomen to his legs for the duration of the attack as his torso is locked in the animation.
He will also frequently use a Plunging Blade & Sweep move where he flings his torso upwards and then slams down with his weapon, followed by a very wide sweeping slash.
Both hits are easy to read and can be outranged or dodged and he is vulnerable for a couple of seconds after the sweep.
Lastly, he can perform a Black Flame Whirlwind attack where he twirls his weapon in place, creating a whirlwind extending outwards all around him.
The attack culminates with him plunging his blade into the ground and causing the whirlwind to burst and extend outwards a short distance from its initial edge.
Do not stand too close to the edge even when the whirlwind has stopped moving.
Magic and Ranged Users
The strategy for ranged players is largely the same and in fact, they may have an edge as the Apostle's attacks hit below medium range, which is where ranged players want to stay at anyway.
The Godskin Apostle seems susceptible to magic damage and his poise can be broken rather easily by using multi-hit spells such as Glintblade Phalanx or Glintstone Stars, allowing you to get a critical attack in.
Godskin Apostle Attacks & Counters
Black Flame
The Apostle's bread & butter skill.
Raises his left hand and conjures a black fireball that he then tosses towards his target.
The projectile has a rather fast travel speed and deals damage over time for a couple of seconds after a direct hit.
Dodge sideways or through the fireball as it comes towards you
Stab & Pull
The Apostle quickly stabs with the sickle-end of his twinblade and then pulls back.
The attack can deal damage twice if the first hit connects.
The attack has a narrow hitbox so dodge diagonally backwards.
Requires precise timing.
Alternatively, you can maintain a medium distance from him when not attacking to get out of range of the attack.
Spinning Weapon
The Apostle twirls his weapon in front him very quickly as he slowly advances.
This attack will shred HP if it connects.
Sprint away from the Apostle or dodge through and circle around his backside if you are caught too close to him.
Stab & Slash
The Apostle stabs downward with the blade-end of his twinblade and then spins around as he moves sideways, ending with a downward slash with the sickle.
Dodge backwards.
If you avoid the stab, the slash will not hit you as the Apostle only moves sideways during this attack.
The slash has a moderate recovery time and you can get one attack in safely.
Jumping Overhead Slash
The Apostle leaps upwards and then slashes downwards in front of him.
The attack has a quick animation.
Dodge sideways or behind him as soon as he starts to descend.
This attack has one of the longest recoveries in the Apostle's repertoire, allowing you to get at least 2 hits in when he lands.
Below 60 HP Threshold
Once the Apostle is brought down to 60 of his health, he will cross his arms and float upwards and then slam down, releasing a shockwave in a small radius around him.
This signifies the start of Phase 2 where he unseats the skin of his torso from his body, allowing him to fling his upper half around, giving him much greater range.
He also modifies some attacks and gains new ones during this phase.
Spinning Weapon Flight
The Apostle flings his torso outwards while spinning his weapon.
His lower half stays in place.
Dodge through his weapon successfully and you will have a few seconds to get up to 4 hits in on his lower body or elongated abdomen section.
His torso will be locked in animation in the extended position.
Plunging Blade & Sweep
A combo attack where the Apostle flings his torso upwards and then plunges the blade-end of his weapon downwards.
He then follows up with a very wide sweep as his torso returns to neutral position.
Both attacks can easily be outranged or dodged through due to the delayed execution of each.
Dodge sideways for the plunge and dodge through the sweep.
You can get one or two hits as he recovers.
Black Flame Tornado
The Apostle's weapon is engulfed in black flames and he begins twirling it above him, creating a whirlwind of black flames that extends outwards in a large radius around him.
He then plunges his blade into the ground causing the whirlwind to burst at the edges.
Back away from the Apostle as he creates the whirlwind.
Be careful not to stand close to the edge of the whirlwind as the final burst will cause it to extend a short distance outwards.
Black Flame Sweeps
The Apostle stretches his body and swings his weapon around him, while leaving behind a trail of black flame.
Either get close or run away.
Godskin Apostle Notes & Other Trivia
The Godskin Apostles' theme is not in Latin.
The lyrics are mostly nonsensical latinish syllables and vowel sounds arranged in a way that makes them sound like Latin.
This was confirmed by youtuber Antonius Tertius (aka redditor MAGISTER-ORGANI), a Latin scholar, who contacted some music producers and singers of and published the official lyrics and backstage information on his channel.
Among the official singers who recorded the Godskin Apostles' theme, there were no children as some believe.
The sopranos were all adult women.
This was confirmed by youtuber Antonius Tertius who contacted members of the choir hired by Bandai.
Along with their Noble comrades, they served the Gloam-Eyed Queen and wielded Black Flame to slay the gods and wear their skin.
Godskin Apostle Dominula, Windmill Village.
Godskin Peeler
Scouring Black Flame
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