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Land Octopus
Land Octopus
Consecrated SnowfieldGrace
Gael TunnelGrace
Hidden Path to the HaligtreeGrace
Highroad CaveGrace
Liurnia Highway SouthGrace
Liurnia of the LakesRegion
Ruin-Strewn PrecipiceGrace
Ruin-Strewn Precipice OverlookGrace
Siofra RiverDungeon
Land Octopus Ovary0.05
Octopus Head0.005
Sacramental Bud0.03
Strip of White Flesh0.05
The Lands BetweenRegion Kraken Thin strips of flesh taken from a bloodless creature. Material used for crafting items. The dried meat toughens the constitution, boosting resistance. It's known for its long-lasting effect. Puffy, milky white ovary of a land octopus. Material used for crafting items. Land octopuses eat humans in order to bear young, and theirs is the blood that runs through these ovaries. A land octopus whelp worn directly on the head. Has a lingering warmth reminiscent of human skin. Those who can withstand the smell will find its organic elasticity excellent for negating strikes.
Players can encounter Land Octopus in the watery areas of Agheel Lake and the beaches of Western LimgraveRegion. On beaches and ponds throughout The Lands BetweenRegion. South-west of Temple QuarterGrace site of grace. Hidden Path to the HaligtreeGrace Siofra RiverDungeon Altus PlateauGrace They are also frequently accompanied by Giant Land Octopuses which can be quite dangerous. They appear to be similar to the Kraken enemies from King's Field, an early From Software Game. Only the 5 small octopus in Altus Plateau, in the small canyon with the statue where the Amber Starlight was found drop this. It is located northeast from the Altus Highway Junction Site of Grace. Head east and then the road will break off north into an narrow canyon which becomes a tunnel and then opens back up into a small roofless cave. Land OctopusAltus PlateauGraceencounter Land Octopus in the watery areas of Agheel Lake and the beaches of Western Limgrave. On beaches and ponds throughout The Lands Between. South-west of Temple Quarter site of grace. Hidden Path to the Haligtree Siofra River Altus Plateau They are also frequently accompanied by Giant Land Octopuses which can be quite dangerous. They appear to be similar to the Kraken enemies from King's Field, an early From Software Game. Only the 5 small octopus in Altus Plateau, in the small canyon with the statue where the Amber Starlight was found drop this. It is located northeast from the Altus Highway JunctionGrace Site of Grace. Head east and then the road will break off north into an narrow canyon which becomes a tunnel and then opens back up into a small roofless cave. Land Octopus Lore Lore Items Related to Land Octopus Strip of White Flesh. Thin strips of flesh taken from a bloodless creature. Material used for crafting items. The dried meat toughens the constitution, boosting resistance. It's known for its long-lasting effect. Land Octopus Ovary Puffy, milky white ovary of a land octopus. Material used for crafting items. Land octopuses eat humans in order to bear young, and theirs is the blood that runs through these ovaries. Octopus Head A land octopus whelp worn directly on the head. Has a lingering warmth reminiscent of human skin. Those who can withstand the smell will find its organic elasticity excellent for negating strikes.