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Lesser Burial Watchdog
Lesser Burial Watchdog
Consecrated SnowfieldGrace
Consecrated Snowfield CatacombsGrace
Giant-Conquering Hero's GraveGrace
Giants' Mountaintop CatacombsGrace
Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion
Watchdog's Greatsword0.08
The Watchdogs, battered and broken over their lengthy tenure, rule the catacombs and are even said to command the imps
Appears in 2 variations: Sword and Mage. Sword one uses Watchdog's Greatsword. Mage one uses Watchdog's Staff (with its skill). Deals Standard (both), Strike (both), Pierce (Sword) and Magic (Mage) Damage. Can also inflict Frostbite with its breath or tail attack. Low resistance to Strike Damage, medium to other types of damages. Weak to Crystal Darts - a few hits with those will make them aggressive towards all enemies near them. Immune to Status Effects. Parryable: Yes (melee) Can be poise broken and riposted afterwards. If a player is patient, most of the Lesser Burial Watchdogs can be baited into a tunnel with a fire or Frost-spewing pillar, which can be used to slowly kill it in increments. This is extremely slow for farming purposes, though, so if a player wants the sword, it is recommended that they memorize it's attacks and dodge roll accordingly. Three-headed Watchdogs are quite a bit stronger than the single-headed ones. Mage variants do not drop their weapon - it is instead found in a different location. Lesser Burial Watchdog Lore