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Lesser Ulcerated Tree Spirit
Lesser Ulcerated Tree Spirit
Belurat Tower SettlementDungeon
Capital OutskirtsRegion
Leyndell, Ashen CapitalDungeon
Leyndell, Capital of AshGrace
Leyndell, Royal CapitalDungeon
Shadow KeepDungeon
Stormveil CastleDungeon
Golden Seed
Horned Bairn
Immunizing Horn Charm +2
Iris of Occultation
Mantle of Thorns
Ranged attacks can ease a fight against these enemies. Leyndell, Royal CapitalDungeon Encounter: Force the boss to spawn by entering the graveyard, then immediately turn around and run back across the bridge. Take a right and enter the room with the assassin's throwing lightning pots and climb the ladder. Leave out through the golden double gate doors and immediately roll to the right to dodge a knights arrow. Jump on the railing in front of you and down onto the clay roof tiled building in front of you. From there ranged attacks can be targeted on him. Highly recommend long range spells and skills from afar. Stay on its sides to avoid most of its moveset. Lesser Ulcerated Tree Spirit