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Living Jar
Living Jar
Auriza Side TombGrace
Belurat GaolGrace
Bonny GaolGrace
Caria ManorDungeon
Giants' Mountaintop CatacombsGrace
Lamenter's GaolGrace
Liurnia Highway SouthGrace
Liurnia of the LakesRegion
Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion
Raya Lucaria AcademyDungeon
Shadow KeepDungeon
Stormveil CastleDungeon
Living Jar Shard1
Raw Meat Dumpling1
Though the jars are brought to life by human flesh and blood, they are all rather kindly folk. Perhaps they were made to be better than their innards. Their fragments command a high price due to the magical power locked within. This leaves the living jars unfortunate targets for poachers.
Stormveil CastleDungeon. Raya Lucaria AcademyDungeon. Caria ManorDungeon Giants' Mountaintop CatacombsGrace Auriza Side TombGrace JarburgGrace (non-hostile Jars are found here) Subterranean Shunning-GroundsDungeon Shadow KeepDungeon: West RampartGrace. Belurat GaolGrace Bonny GaolGrace Lamenter's GaolGrace These creatures (small variation) can be summoned with the Soldjars of Fortune Ashes. A few of the creatures are capable of speech such as Alexander and Jar Bairn. Deals Standard damage. Weak to Fire Damage and Strike Damage. Lesser one at Mountaintops Catacombs are more susceptible, as any fire damage makes them explode. Resistant to Slash Damage, Pierce Damage Parryable: No Can be poise broken, but not riposted afterwards. It is most likely that the insides of a Living Jar are made up of human body parts, mostly from warriors, seeking to become one. The ones in the Mountaintops Catacombs can bolster themselves, making them sturdier and causing weapons bounce off, similar to an Ironjar Aromatic. This increase their poise and resistance to Physical-type damage, but significantly lowers resistance to Lightning Damage. Living Jar Lore