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Maleigh Marais, Shaded Castle Castellan
Maleigh Marais, Shaded Castle Castellan
The Shaded CastleDungeon
Antspur Rapier
Marais Mask
Marais Robe
The sons of House Marais are all sickly born. Little wonder that Maleigh Marais would be so beguiled by the beautiful and fierce goddess who was born into rot.
A halberd Golem rises when players enter the fields west of The Shaded CastleDungeon. It is possible to bait Maleigh to move closer to the castle and not fight both at once. Maleigh can be fought on horseback. Maleigh wields the Antspur Rapier, and therefore all of his attacks will inflict Scarlet Rot. Maleigh occasionally casts Poison Mist from his sacred seal. Maleigh moves quickly; thrown attacks will have trouble landing. Maleigh Marais, Shaded Castle Castellan Lore