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Man-Serpent Sorcerer
Man-Serpent Sorcerer
Volcano ManorGrace
Gelmir Glintstone Staff0.11109999999999999
Volcanic Stone0.2
It is said that long ago, the elder serpent that dwelled on Mt. Gelmir devoured a demigod, and the birth of the man-serpents followed.
Deals Strike and Magic damage. Immune to Fire damage, but not to secondary effects of Fire skills and spells (knockback, flinch, etc. ). Low resistance to Strike and Magic damage. Neutral to Standard, Lightning and Holy damage. Weak to Slash and Pierce damage. Strong point: Head. It is advised to take out the other Man-Serpents in the room before taking on this one. Do not stand too close to it or else he will smash his head on the ground, this attack is much like the Pumpkin Head's attack You can summon spirit ashes in his room, might be a good idea for crowd control Man-Serpent Sorcerer Lore