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Nameless White Mask
Nameless White Mask
Mohgwyn Dynasty MausoleumLandmark
Mohgwyn PalaceLandmark
Furlcalling Finger Remedy
War Surgeon Gloves
War Surgeon Gown (Altered)
War Surgeon Set
War Surgeon Trousers
White Mask
Of the surgeons that were abducted by the Lord of Blood, none were able to tame the accursed blood. None but Varre, that is; but he was an exception.
The Nameless White Masks do not invade if player defeated the area boss Mohg, Lord of Blood. Defeating the southern Nameless White Mask (3) Interactive Map rewards the full War Surgeon Set without defeating the other two invasions at (1) and (2). (Tested as of 1.08.). Damage: Slash, Standard, Pierce. Inflcits: Hemorrhage Can buff himself, if Blood loss happens in his vicinity (White Mask) Attacks apply Hemorrhage, maintain your distance and dodge their attacks to ensure that the effect does not get built up all the way. Tips for the Area - The Blistered Giant Crows and Blistered Strays are plentiful in this area - It is recommended to avoid attracting their attention by sneaking to each of the Nameless White Masks. The boiling blood geysers dotted around the locale will deal damage to both you and any enemies that may pass through them - It is therefore possible to time these eruptions in order to stagger and chip away at your enemy without laying a single blow yourself. The Nameless White Masks will remain defeated and do not need to all be killed in one attempt. Spawn at Dynasty Mausoleum EntranceGrace and follow the right wall until point (1). Then follow the left wall until you reach point (3). This is one of the easier paths to kill the southern invader for the War Surgeon Set and avoid detection from other enemies. It can be defeated rather easily by triggering the invasion and then retreating to Dynasty Mausoleum EntranceGrace. Sprint away as soon as it invades and hug the left cliff while returning to avoid enemies. Then climb the ruin stairs and walk up to the cliff. Wait for it to catch up to you and instead of using the stairs, it should be trying to cast magic from below. You can then attack him safely from above using Night Maiden's Mist or other ranged attacks. Nameless White Mask Lore