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Sanguine Noble (NPC)
Sanguine Noble (NPC)
Consecrated SnowfieldGrace
Inner Consecrated SnowfieldGrace
Rose ChurchLandmark
Writheblood RuinsLandmark
Yelough Anix RuinsLandmark
Furlcalling Finger Remedy
Sanguine Noble Set
Known to strike from pools of blood, these assassins are missionaries come to share the gospel of accursed blood.
Sanguine Noble (NPC) Location in Located in the Consecrated SnowfieldGrace. By heading West of the Inner Consecrated SnowfieldGraceConsecrated SnowfieldGrace Location in Located in the Consecrated Snowfield. By heading West of the Inner Consecrated Snowfield grace, and just North of the Yelough Anix RuinsLandmark. This NPC invader is not to be confused with Sanguine Noble, which a generic enemy which spawns in multiple locations such as the Rose ChurchLandmark, and is also a boss in the Writheblood RuinsLandmark. Pre- Kill the Great Dragonflies that are around the area, as they can turn into nuisances while fighting the enemy. Can heal once. Wields double Reduvia. Does Slash and Pierce Damage. Can inflict Blood Loss. Best to manage distance. Frequent rushdown & uses projectile bleed attacks and will frequently parry & critical strike up close. The armor set drop is missable. It is essentially a stronger version of Bloody Finger Nerijus, as they both have the same appearance, and use the same weapons. Can be lured to the ruins just south in order to summon spirit ashes and be within radius of a statue of marika