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Teardrop Scarab
Teardrop Scarab
Academy Gate TownGrace
Church of IrithLandmark
Liurnia Highway SouthGrace
Liurnia of the LakesRegion
Minor Erdtree (Consecrated Snowfield)Erdtree
Minor Erdtree (Liurnia Southwest)Erdtree
Minor Erdtree (Mistwood)Landmark
Miquella's HaligtreeDungeon
Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion
Mt. GelmirRegion
Raya Lucaria AcademyDungeon
Siofra RiverDungeon
Siofra River WellLandmark
Three SistersLandmark
Volcano ManorGrace
These scarabs often roll clumps of valuable ashes of war during their labors, along with crimson and cerulean tears. They are very skittish, and will often flee when spotted.
And Drops in Players can encounter the following Teardrop Scarabs: LimgraveRegion. Church of Dragon CommunionGrace (south of island) - Drops Somber Smithing Stone [1]. LimgraveRegion: north-East from the Church of EllehGrace, behind a broken building with Ruin Fragments, on the way to Gatefront RuinsLandmark - Drops Crimson Scarab LimgraveRegion: Western beach. East side of the shore, you'll notice multiple glowing prints moving around the pillars. Attack it at the right time just when it's about to approach you to reveal the scarab. - Drops Ash of War: Stamp (Sweep). LimgraveRegion: in the water in the South East portion of Agheel Lake, North West of the Agheel Lake SouthGrace Site of Grace. Drops Ash of War: Unsheathe. LimgraveRegion: Hiding behind a tree in the corner of Siofra River WellLandmark - 5 Crimson Scarabs around base of Minor ErdtreeErdtree. LimgraveRegion: on the path at the bridge north of Agheel Lake. Drops Ash of War: Determination. LimgraveRegion: On top of a building's ruins. Drops Somber Smithing Stone (1). LimgraveRegion: Near Third Church of MarikaGrace, next to Spiritspring. Drops the Ash of War: Sacred Blade. LimgraveRegion: In the middle of the path leading from the Stormhill ShackGrace site of grace to the Castleward TunnelGrace site of grace. Drops Ash of War: Wild Strikes Weeping PeninsulaRegion Along the main road taken from LimgraveRegion in the east. Found on a portion of the road that slopes upwards, past an area with a broken Carriage. Drops Ash of War: Mighty Shot. In a forested area southeast of the Castle Morne RampartGrace. Drops the Poison Mist incantation. In a crevasse separating the landmass containing the Minor ErdtreeErdtree from the eastern side of the peninsula. The scarab is found in the lower section of the crevasse, surrounded by bats and a constant beat of lightning strikes from above. There are stone platforms on either cliffside you can use to descend safely. Drops the Lightning Strike incantation. Atop a collapsed stone structure overgrown with yellow moss. Found a short distance west of the Tombsward RuinsLandmark. Drops the Divine Fortification incantation. Liurnia of the LakesRegion Off the beaten path, over a rocky area. Drops aSomber Smithing Stone (2) Found in a rocky, cavern-like area near the Minor ErdtreeErdtree in southwest Liurnia. Drops Ash of War: Sword Dance. Found in the southeast poisonous swamp area of the map, south from the Folly on the LakeGrace site of grace. The scarab is located in the center of an island near an opening in the rocky overpass. Drops Ash of War: Vow of the Indomitable In the marshes near the Rose ChurchLandmark southwest of the lake. Drops the Bloodflame Blade incantation. On the island below the broken bridge connecting Raya Lucaria AcademyDungeon and East Raya Lucaria GateGrace. Drops Ash of War: Shield Bash. An invisible scarab is found roaming the shallow body of water southeast of Caria ManorDungeon. Look for its glowing footprints and attack as they move towards you. Drops Ash of War: Hoarfrost Stomp. Found in an area behind the gardens and to the east in Caria ManorDungeon. Drops the Carian Piercer sorcery. Found in the woods, between the trees. Drops Somber Smithing Stone (3). Three SistersLandmark: In the ruins south of Renna's RiseLandmark. Drops Ash of War: Chilling Mist. Found in the Church of IrithLandmark after giving Thops the extra Glintstone Key and letting him leave for the academy. Drops Ash of War: Thops's Barrier. In the Ravine-Veiled VillageGrace, found by going as far northeast as possible in Lake of Liurnia (near but not accessible from Grand Lift of DectusGrace) Drops Ash of War: Barbaric Roar. Attached to a ceiling under a bridge West of the Academy Gate TownGrace Site of Grace, above some Land Squirts and near a Giant Crab in the Academy Gate TownGrace. Drops Ash of War: Charge Forth. CaelidRegion Found on the road on the way from Rotview BalconyGrace to Caelem RuinsGrace. Drops Incantation Whirl, O Flame Found along the CaelidRegion Highway. Drops Ash of War: Lifesteal Fist. Sellia, Town of SorceryLandmark: Found high above on a very large root in the western end of town. Accessible by jumping across the rooftops. Drops Ash of War: Double Slash An invisible scarab can be found roaming the northeast section of Aeonia Swamp, directly west of Sellia. Drops the Poison Armament incantation. Found near the edge of the cliffs northwest of the Isolated Merchant's ShackGrace in DragonbarrowRegion. Drops Ash of War: Sky Shot. Altus PlateauGrace Capital OutskirtsRegion: An invisible Teardrop Scarab can be found leaving its glowing footprints inside the short rocky tunnel in the lake directly east of the Outer Wall Phantom TreeGrace site of grace. Drops Ash of War: Prayerful Strike. Capital OutskirtsRegion: A teleporting scarab is found near the large blocked gate with many Wandering Nobles near it. Drops Ash of War: Golden Parry Capital OutskirtsRegion: In the middle of a LeyndellRegion encampment in the northeastern side of Altus PlateauGrace. Just northwest of Hermit Merchant's ShackGrace or Outer Wall BattlegroundGrace site of grace. Drops Ash of War: Lightning Slash Dropped by a teleporting Scarab inside a broken building in the Lux RuinsLandmark, near the Erdtree Gazing Hill site of grace. Drops Ash of War: Shield Crash. Northeast of Erdtree-Gazing HillGrace, flying above a pond with trees. Drops Ash of War: Blood Blade. An invisible Teardrop Scarab in the intersection of the road before Altus Highway JunctionGrace site of grace. It moves very slowly, and you can see some dust as it rolls. Drops Ash of War: Earthshaker. In the northern section of the Woodfolk RuinsLandmark, surrounded by many Lesser Wormfaces. Drops Ash of War: Golden Slam Just south of Sainted Hero's GraveGrace, near a bunch of swords embedded into the ground. Drops Ash of War: Lightning Ram Leyndell, Royal CapitalDungeon: There's an invisible Teardrop Scarab. Can be found after heading down the stairs and taking the elevator, right after the fight with Godfrey, First Elden Lord. Drops Barrier of Gold. Mt. Gelmir Found in the narrow channel north of Seethewater RiverGrace. Drops Ash of War: Barrage. An invisble scarab leaving behind tracks will be seen upon approaching the Volcano ManorGrace's entrance. Drops Ash of War: Through and Through. Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion Found in the lower level of the Ancient Snow Valley RuinsGrace, south of the Hermit Merchant. Drops a Somber Smithing Stone (8) Found on top of a small mountain, will vanish if you get too close. Drops a Somber Smithing Stone (8). An invisible scarab leaving behind tracks can be seen east of the Freezing LakeGrace site of grace. Drops Ash of War: Seppuku A lone scarab hanging on a dead tree near the Guardians' GarrisonLandmark. Beware of the nearby enemies. It will drop Ash of War: Prelate's Charge. Crumbling Farum AzulaDungeon Found by the cliffs south of the fountain plaza. This area is located in the upper level after ascending the Dragon Temple LiftGrace. Drops the incantationGolden Lightning Fortification. Siofra River Found in the Mohgwyn Dynasty area in a small cave, at the eastern edge of the blood lake with four blood Albinaurics that appear after killing the beetle. Drops Ash of War: Blood Tax. Immune to Status Effects. Can be poise-broken but not riposted afterwards. Does not count as regular enemy, therefore stamina consumption is not disabled. There are few types of scarabs: Flying/Hanging - Floating in the air/hanging on a branch or tree. When hit, falls and acts like a regular Teardrop Scarab. Fall can damage player (very low damage). Invisible - Low-health variation (die to 1 hit), that can be seen thanks to their visible steps, plus they follow one route. Sorcerers can use spells with AoE or sorceries like Glintblade Phalanx, which target invisible enemies. Melee user can utilize either bow or Ashes of War with AoE like Ground Slam. Enlarging - Enlarge after receiving a specific amount of damage. Becomes larger than player and can pose some threat, however their behaviour remains unchanged. Escaping - When it spots a player, it will teleport a short distance away. Sneaking is an option, but bows are more effective. Explosive - Regular scarab, but their balls explodes after few seconds. Explosion is telegraphed, plus it does not happen if scarab dies due to gravity. Cerulean and Crimson Scarabs roll around a ball that appears to be a bunch of twigs together with a glowing center. Special Scarabs will have regular balls filled with rocks and such. Teardrop Scarab