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Vulgar Militiamen
Vulgar Militiamen
Bestial SanctumGrace
Consecrated SnowfieldGrace
Dragonbarrow ForkGrace
Dragonbarrow WestGrace
Forbidden LandsGrace
Gaol CaveGrace
Hidden Path to the HaligtreeGrace
Liurnia Highway SouthGrace
Liurnia of the LakesRegion
Ruin-Strewn PrecipiceGrace
Ruin-Strewn Precipice OverlookGrace
Sealed TunnelGrace
Vulgar Militia Armor0.015
Vulgar Militia Gauntlets0.015
Vulgar Militia Greaves0.015
Vulgar Militia Helm0.015
Vulgar Militia Saw0.04
Vulgar Militia Set
Vulgar Militia Shotel0.04
In the Lands Between, the small were scorned, and so they formed their vulgar militia as a means to make a living, albeit in ignominy. Freshly-singed battlegrounds effusing with the stench of the dead. Forbidden lands that will be excised from the memory of history. This is where the vulgar militia serve, as untiring, unsung watchkeepers.
Outside the Bestial SanctumGrace, and just before the bridge with the dragon on it, there are at least 10 Vulgar Militiamen. Since there is a grace at the bridge, this is a very very good way to farm runes. Just run up and backstab them individually. Be careful, as they are rather tanky and strong for early game players. They were originally planned to use bear traps in game, but that has since been cut. The unused trap can be spawned in, but it does not deal damage. Vulgar Militiamen use one of three weapons: the Vulgar Militia Shotel, the Vulgar Militia Saw and an unobtainable chain sickle called a kusarigama. The Shotel and Saw, as well as their armor, the Vulgar Militia Set, are dropped by them. Backstabbing them plays a unique animation due to their small size. A lone Vulgar Militiaman just west of the Farum GreatbridgeGrace Site of Grace provides a very easy and consistent method to farm Runes (approximately 130k/hr), available to low-level characters before defeating Margit, the Fell Omen. Run over, backstab it (easier at night and/or with Crepus's Vial [untested]), finish off any remaining health, then warp back to the Site of Grace and repeat. Each run takes under 30 seconds and rewards 1094 runes. Can also be used to farm the Vulgar Militia Set and Vulgar Militia Saw. An even faster and more consistent method can be done by running/riding close enough for spell range and firing 6 Magic Glintblades at 20 Int with the Meteorite Staff. [might be doable with less Int or optimized with a different spell/catalyst]. You can also ride past him and kill 2 more Militants nearby for a total of 3282 runes in a 50 second loop (over 200k runes/hr). In some locations, they leave behind mines that break and release poison when stepped on. Vulgar Militiamen Lore