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Acid Spraymist
Acid Spraymist
Ainsel RiverDungeon
Forbidden art of depraved perfumers. Craftable with a perfume bottle. Uses FP to release an acidic mist from user's mouth, damaging armaments and temporarily lowering attack power. Perfumed powder is held in the mouth to dissolve before being expelled. It was once a restorative art, or so it is said.
Perfumer's Cookbook [4] can be purchased from the Nomadic Merchant in Ainsel RiverDungeon for 3000 Runes. You can hold up to 10 Acid Spraymist, depending on how many Perfume Bottles you have. You can store up to 600 Acid Spraymist. Sell Value: Acid Spraymist cannot be sold. Once a Acid Spraymist is cast, its Perfume Bottle will be available for crafting again. See Buffs & Debuffs for more information on stacking debuffs.