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Beast Blood
Beast Blood
Dragonbarrow CaveGrace
Dragonbarrow ForkGrace
Dragonbarrow WestGrace
Dynasty Mausoleum MidpointGrace
Gelmir Hero's GraveGrace
Liurnia Highway SouthGrace
Liurnia of the LakesRegion
Mohgwyn Dynasty MausoleumLandmark
Mt. GelmirRegion
Prospect TownLandmark
Redmane CastleDungeon
Stormveil CastleDungeon
Temple Town RuinsGrace
Dropped by
Giant Dog8%
Giant Skeletal Slime25%
Lesser Runebear100%
Lion Guardian25%
Monstrous Crow8%
Monstrous Dog8%
Rotten Stray4%
Fresh beast blood, glinting with gold. Material used for crafting items. Found by hunting carnivorous beasts. This glimmering blood never rots or decays.
Will be found on a long dead corpse In the middle of the bridge. The body itself is surrounded by long spears that has fallen down on the ground. Right before an archway. In the world 1 in Liurnia of the LakesRegion: On a corpse at the top of some broken ruins in the east. 1 can be found on a corpse hanging from the upper part of the broken bridge in Mt. Gelmir. 1 by Southern Aeonia Site of Grace in CaelidRegion: On a corpse to the south guarded by a Lion Guardian. Scavenged from a corpse lying in a crumbled ruin in Altus PlateauGrace. Looted from a corpse on the edge of the second room with a chariot and a lava pool in Gelmir Hero's GraveGrace. Material. Found on a corpse lying on the ground in a small abandoned campsite in Altus PlateauGrace , Haligtree DROPPED BY Enemy. Drop rate Additional info Lesser Runebear 100.00 - Bear 5.00 - Lion Guardian 100.00 Except in Fort GaelLandmark and Capital OutskirtsRegion Giant Skeletal Slime 25.00 - Giant Dog 8.00 - Dog 6.00 - Giant Crow 8.00 - Boar 5.00 Only some Nomadic Merchant's Mule 6.00 - FARMING LOCATIONS Third Church of MarikaGrace Site of Grace in LimgraveRegion: Travel south into the woods for a group of Boars and, further along, Lesser Runebears. You can hold up to 999 Beast Blood. You can store up to 999 Beast Blood. Sell Value: 50