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Cerulean Hidden Tear
Cerulean Hidden Tear
Minor ErdtreeErdtree
Road of IniquityGrace
The Lands BetweenRegion
Dropped by
Ulcerated Tree Spirit
A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. The resulting concoction removes all FP consumption. However, this effect is only brief and will quickly expire.
CERULEAN HIDDEN TEAR LOCATION IN Mt. Gelmir: Drops from the Ulcerated Tree Spirit at the Minor ErdtreeErdtree, east of the Road of IniquityGrace site of grace. FP is not consumed by any actions that normally consume FP for 10 seconds. (As of V1.12). You can perform actions that would normally consume more FP than your max (e. g. summoning expensive Spirit Ashes that you cannot afford normally). Weapon skills and spells that only consume FP, such as Comet Azur, Crystal Torrent, Meteorite, Meteorite of Astel, Prelate's Charge, Rock Blaster, Spinning Wheel, Surge, O Flame and Unendurable Frenzy, can be used continuously. Has no effect on Tongues of Fire, the weapon skill still consumes FP even when the tear is used. You can find Crystal Tears at the bases of Minor ErdtreeErdtrees and elsewhere throughout the Lands Between. At sites of grace, you can mix two Crystal Tears in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. (This will allow you to create elixirs with various custom effects. )