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Dwelling Arrow
Dwelling Arrow
Mohgwyn Dynasty MausoleumLandmark
Siofra RiverDungeon
Dropped by
Ancestral Follower10%
Purchased from
Abandoned Merchant Siofra River160
Imprisoned Merchant160
Twin Maiden Husks160
Arrow in which the spirits of small animals are thought to dwell. Deals magic damage.
Low chance to drop from Ancestral Followers (But not from the spectral variant). Can purchase 30 from the Nomadic Merchant in Siofra RiverDungeon for 160 Runes. Can be purchased from the Imprisoned Merchant in Mohgwyn Dynasty MausoleumLandmark for 160 Runes. Found on a corpse in Siofra RiverDungeon Deals magic damage and is the purchasable alternative to the Magicbone Arrow. The Magicbone Arrow (Fletched) travels further, however. The magic damage is affected by the intelligence scaling of the Horn Bow. Sell Value: 10.