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Freezing Grease
Freezing Grease
Castle SolDungeon
Cave of the ForlornGrace
Consecrated SnowfieldGrace
Forbidden LandsGrace
Giant-Conquering Hero's GraveGrace
Hidden Path to the HaligtreeGrace
Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion
Ordina, Liturgical TownGrace
Spiritcaller's CaveGrace
Stargazers' RuinsLandmark
Subterranean Shunning-GroundsDungeon
Yelough Anix TunnelGrace
Solidified grease made from a mixture of frozen materials. Craftable item. Coats armament, inflicting frost. The effect lasts only for a short time.
Stargazer's Ruins: Found on a corpse in the eastern section of the ruins. Castle SolDungeon: Found on a corpse hanging off the edge of a wooden walkway in the courtyard. Can be found in Subterranean Shunning-GroundsDungeon at the left of the balcony where the big pipes are located. Ordina, Liturgical TownGrace: 2 Found on a body in the snow in the southwest part of the town. Cave of the ForlornGrace: Can be found just entering the cave, pass the dragon. Hidden Path to the HaligtreeGrace. On the way up, sitting on one of the stairs after the Giant Land Octopus. , Haligtree You can hold up to 10 Freezing Grease. You can store up to 600 Freezing Grease. Sell Value: 100 Runes