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Great Grave Glovewort
Great Grave Glovewort
Cerulean CoastRegion
Consecrated SnowfieldGrace
Consecrated Snowfield CatacombsGrace
Crumbling Farum AzulaDungeon
Elphael, Brace of the HaligtreeDungeon
Giant-Conquering Hero's GraveGrace
Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion
Shadow KeepDungeon
Dropped by
Putrid Grave Warden Duelist
White flower that blooms in catacombs. An especially large specimen. Strengthens ashes to 10. Since times of old, large gloveworts were used to comfort heroic spirits. Given in tribute to those who died the most glorious of deaths, in the hope their stories would become legend.
Six (6) Great Grave Glovewort can be found in the : Consecrated SnowfieldGrace: Two (2) dropped by the boss of Consecrated Snowfield CatacombsGrace, Putrid Grave Warden Duelist. One found in the Giant-Conquering Hero's GraveGrace:. In the large hall with the Troll, drop down from either side of the platform into a room with a Fire Prelate. Defeat it and check the very back of the room for the glovewort. Alternatively, you can reach this room by descending the lift and sending it back up. Pull the lever in the alcove to the right and then enter the small space in the raised lift to descend further down. In the next hall, sprint past the Lesser Burial Watchdog and turn left. Climb the ladder at the end of this path. Crumbling Farum AzulaDungeon - A total of 2 can be found in the region:. Found in a recess in the northeastern-most wall of the upper level of the large building next to the Crumbling Beast Grave DepthsGrace site of grace. To reach this upper area, head out of the balcony of the room next to the site of grace and jump up onto the red roof right next to it. In the heavily-ruined section in the northwest leading to the Dragon TempleGrace site of grace, there is a pit you can drop down into to reach a narrow hallway below. From here, head into the first archway on the left and up the stairs heading northwest to a ruined balcony where you can navigate across a series of floating debris to reach a second balcony with a ladder. Head up the ladder to reach a hidden tomb with the glovewort sitting on the main sarcophagus in the back. Elphael, Brace of the HaligtreeDungeon: Found in the center of the second lake of rot, past a second set of branches within the inner walls. Beware the Ulcerated Tree Spirit (non-boss) lurking beneath. Six (6) Great Grave Glovewort can be found in the DLC: Shadow KeepDungeon: As you enter from the Church District EntranceGrace site of grace. Jump from the platform to the flooded roofs. Take the left side, and jump towards the wooden shipwrecks. Until you reach the circular platform. Use the wooden platforms to reach the other side. Turn left and jump to grab the item at the end of the pathway. If the player drained the Church District before picking up the Great Glove Glovewort, the previous path will be inaccessible since the floating wooden platforms are gone. The item will have dropped down into a circular courtyard below where an Ulcerated Tree Spirit holding the Mantle of Thorns is waiting in ambush. Cerulean CoastRegion: From the Cerulean Coast CrossGrace site of grace, climb the hill north and jump atop the massive stone coffin. Drop off its eastern ledge onto a small cliff, then drop again onto another coffin directly east. Collect this glovewort at the bullshead. Cerulean CoastRegion: From the Cerulean Coast CrossGrace site of grace, go onto the beach, either by dropping directly from the above location, or by traveling northwest from the grace, then turning right into a narrow passage to the beachfront. From there go briefly north towards a gently sloping stone coffin, and find the glovewort at the bullshead at the top. Cerulean CoastRegion: From the Cerulean Coast WestGrace site of grace, go to the entrance of the underground path to the Southern Nameless MausoleumMausoleum, found by dropping onto a seaside cliff near the dead tree. Make several small drops down into the tunnel. At this point, going west will take you to the mausoleum, but the glovewort can be found by going east. You will eventually emerge onto an otherwise inaccessible bullshead coffin. Cerulean CoastRegion: Located in the area where you fight Demi-Human Queen Marigga. From the Cerulean Coast WestGrace site of grace, go northeast, past a broken stone coffin, to reach a triangular ravine. Go north, then west to reach the Demi-Human Queen Marigga boss fight, where you can see an enormous stone coffin on the beach. On the right side, traverse some jagged rocks to reach the top of and collect the glovewort at the bullshead. Charo's Hidden GraveRegion: From the Charo's Hidden GraveRegion site of grace look south, and a stone coffin wedged into the cliff should be visible. It can be reached by a short drop from the cliffside. You can hold up to 999 Great Grave Glovewort. You can store up to 999 Great Grave Glovewort. Sell Value: 500