Miranda Powder
Location | |
Altus PlateauGrace | |
LeyndellRegion | |
Leyndell, Royal CapitalDungeon | |
LimgraveRegion | |
MistwoodLandmark | |
Perfumer's GrottoGrace | |
Seethewater CaveGrace | |
The Shaded CastleDungeon | |
Dropped by | |
Depraved Perfumer | 15% |
Giant Miranda Sprout | 100% |
Miranda Sprout | 5% |
Perfumer | 8% |
Description | |
Pollen from a man-eating miranda flower.
Material used for crafting items.
Throughout history, perfumers have prized this extremely fragrant form of miranda pollen, not yet scattered into the air. | |
Notes | |
10 in LeyndellRegion Royal Capital: From the East Capital RampartGrace grace, follow the path southeast to the lift.
After taking the lift down, go through the room with a ladder, then down the stairs in the second room.
There will be a door ahead, blocked by wooden boxes.
Break the boxes and go though the door; the powder is on the left.
6 in Perfumers' Grotto, on a corpse in front of the boss fog.
X10 Can be purchased from Thiollier for 800 Runes.
Dropped by
Drop rate.
Additional info
Giant Miranda Sprout
Miranda Sprout
Depraved Perfumer
3 at a time
3 at a time
PerfumerPerfumer's GrottoGracein Leyndell Royal Capital: From the East Capital Rampart grace, follow the path southeast to the lift.
After taking the lift down, go through the room with a ladder, then down the stairs in the second room.
There will be a door ahead, blocked by wooden boxes.
Break the boxes and go though the door; the powder is on the left.
6 in Perfumers' Grotto, on a corpse in front of the boss fog.
X10 Can be purchased from Thiollier for 800 Runes.
Dropped by
Drop rate.
Additional info
Giant Miranda Sprout
Miranda Sprout
Depraved Perfumer
3 at a time
3 at a time
Perfumer's Grotto: There are four Perfumers in the first room.
Weeping PeninsulaRegion: There are four Giant Miranda Sprouts to the north of Morne TunnelGrace.
There is a Stake of Marika closeby to the north, and by dying and respawning there, it is possible to farm 4 Miranda Powder in under 70 seconds.
You can hold up to 999 Miranda Powder.
You can store up to 999 Miranda Powder.
Sell Value: 10 |