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Nascent Butterfly
Nascent Butterfly
Ainsel RiverDungeon
Altus PlateauGrace
Castle SolDungeon
Cave of the ForlornGrace
Consecrated SnowfieldGrace
Crumbling Farum AzulaDungeon
Deeproot DepthsGrace
Elphael, Brace of the HaligtreeDungeon
Forbidden LandsGrace
Giants' Mountaintop CatacombsGrace
Grand CloisterGrace
Leyndell, Royal CapitalDungeon
Mohgwyn PalaceLandmark
Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion
Mt. GelmirRegion
Night's Sacred GroundGrace
Nokron, Eternal CityGrace
Nokstella, Eternal CityGrace
Ordina, Liturgical TownGrace
Perfumer's RuinsLandmark
Sage's CaveGrace
Stargazers' RuinsLandmark
Zamor RuinsGrace
Dropped by
Ancestral Follower Shaman20%
Purchased from
Abandoned Merchant Siofra River1500
Twin Maiden Husks1500
An arcane butterfly with translucent wings. Material used for crafting items. Exceedingly rare to find. This butterfly appears as if it's just emerged from its cocoon for its entire life.
1 by Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite Site of Grace in Mt. Gelmir: On the edge of the mountain east of the Site of Grace. 1 in Mt. Gelmir. Found on a corpse near the edge of a cliff, outside Seethewater CaveGrace. 1 in Altus PlateauGrace: Can be gathered under the broken bridge in Altus PlateauGrace. 5 in Siofra RiverDungeon roughly west of Worshippers' WoodsGrace grace, guarded by some Land Octopusses. 1 in Castle SolDungeon: On a corpse by a ladder in a room filled with Skeletal Slimes in the northwest. 1 in Sage's CaveGrace: In a treasure chest. 1 in LeyndellRegion Royal Capital: On a corpse over the stairs to the Grand Lift of RoldGrace. 2 by Dragon Temple LiftGrace in Crumbling Farum AzulaDungeon: On a corpse by a tree east of the fountain plaza. 1 in Ordina, Liturgical TownGrace: Under the large stairs in the north part of the town, next to the corpse with the Black Knife Set. 1 by Rotview BalconyGrace Site of Grace in CaelidRegion: On a corpse on the cliff. 1 in Deeproot DepthsGrace: Among the gravestones in the northwest. 1 in Perfumer's RuinsLandmark: Behind the Giant Miranda Sprout. 1 in Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion: Found near the eastern cliffs of the starting zone in Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion. the farthest end of Zamor RuinsGrace, near the cliffs , 1 in Grand CloisterGrace: On the bottom level, in the southeast corner. 1 by The Nameless Eternal CityGrace Site of Grace in Deeproot DepthsGrace: On the cliff across the water to the west, near the Ghost Glovewort 1 in Nokstella, Eternal CityGrace can be found behind the throne with the chest containing the Moon of Nokstella Talisman. 1 in Nokstella, Eternal CityGrace. Gathering spot near the Nokstella, Eternal CityGrace Site of Grace. x3 in Nokron Eternal City , Deeproot DepthsGrace , Deeproot DepthsGrace Deeproot DepthsGrace LeyndellRegion LeyndellRegion , Mohgwyn palace , Crumbling Farum AzulaDungeon . Hilligtree Purchase from Nomadic Merchant Siofra RiverDungeon: 1500, 5 available DROPPED BY Enemy. Drop rate Additional info Ancestral Follower Shaman 20.00 Only those by the cliff overlooking the water north of the Ancestral WoodsGrace Site of Grace in Siofra RiverDungeon. FARMING LOCATIONS Ancestral WoodsGrace Site of Grace in Siofra RiverDungeon: Drops from Ancestral Follower Shamans in this area. You can hold up to 999 Nascent Butterfly. You can store up to 999 Nascent Butterfly. Sell Value: 100