Perfume Bottle
Location | |
Altus PlateauGrace | |
CaelidRegion | |
LeyndellRegion | |
Leyndell, Royal CapitalDungeon | |
Perfumer's GrottoGrace | |
Perfumer's RuinsLandmark | |
Street of Sages RuinsLandmark | |
Swamp of AeoniaLandmark | |
The Shaded CastleDungeon | |
Volcano ManorGrace | |
Purchased from | |
Hermit Merchant | 2000 |
Description | |
Glass bottles used by perfumers.
Used to seal various scent compounds.
Essential vessel for crafting perfume items.
The art of perfuming was once jealously guarded in the capital, but after the perfumers were drafted into service during the Shattering, the art became widely practiced throughout the Lands Between. | |
Notes | |
In the world
2 in Leyndell, Royal CapitalDungeon.
From East Capital RampartGrace Site of Grace, go through the west door, travel south along the rampart, and take the lift down.
Enter the multi-story tower, climb up the ladder, then find the bottle in a chest hidden behind a table.
From Avenue BalconyGrace Site of Grace, go out the door southeast, turn left and follow the main road northeast, go through the big doors, then follow the lower path (not the stair that leads you to the lift) to a dead end, where a Leonine Misbegotten and stray dogs guard the bottle.
These are not available once Maliketh has been defeated.
1 in The Shaded CastleDungeon: It's on a corpse at the edge of the inner east wall.
Reach this inner wall by climbing a ladder on the eastern side of the courtyard.
1 in Volcano ManorGrace: The bottle is on a corpse in a room unlocked with the Drawing-Room Key.
2 in Perfumer's RuinsLandmark: One bottle is on a table guarded by an Omenkiller.
The other is on the edge of a raised platform near a Giant Miranda Sprout.
1 in Street of Sages RuinsLandmark: It's guarded by Miranda Sprouts.
1 in Perfumer's GrottoGrace: After encountering the second Giant Miranda Sprout, search the nearby area.
You should see two chests in a corner; the bottle is in one of them.
1 by Altus Highway JunctionGrace Site of Grace in Altus PlateauGrace: The bottle is in the camp to the north of the Site of Grace, guarded by two Omen.
Purchase from
Hermit Merchant near Hermit Merchant's ShackGrace Site of Grace in Capital OutskirtsRegion: 2,000; 1 available.
You can hold up to 10 Perfume Bottles.
Perfume Bottles already obtained do not respawn in NG .
If perfume arts are put into storage at a Site of Grace, their Perfume Bottles will be available for crafting new items.
If you have perfume arts in storage, your Perfume Bottles will automatically refill when you die or rest at a Site of Grace.
You can use the Perfumer's Talisman to increase the potency of perfume arts. |