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Purifying Crystal Tear
Purifying Crystal Tear
Second Church of MarikaLandmark
Rewarded through questline: Bloody Finger Hunter Yura
A crystal tear formed slowly over the age where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground. Can be mixed in the Flask of Wonderous Physick. The resulting concoction purifies the curse from Mohg, Lord of Blood's terrifying rite of blood.
Dropped by Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger at the Second Church of MarikaLandmark in Altus PlateauGrace. Used to negate the curse effect during the fight against Mohg, Lord of Blood. Can be used at any point in the boss fight, before the second phase transition, to prevent all blood loss from the curse, although the boss still gets his health back. You can find Crystal Tears at the bases of Minor ErdtreeErdtrees, and elsewhere throughout the Lands Between. At sites of grace, you can mix two Crystal Tears in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. (This will allow you to create elixirs with various custom effects)