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Silver Tear Husk
Silver Tear Husk
Ainsel RiverDungeon
Nokron, Eternal CityGrace
Nokstella, Eternal CityGrace
Dropped by
Silver Sphere4%
Silver Tear4%
A hardened husk shed by a formless life form known as the Silver Tear, found in and around the Eternal City. Material used for crafting items. The Silver Tear makes mockery of life, reborn again and again into imitation. Perhaps, one day, it will be reborn a lord.
Silver Tear Husks are found in the overworld, and respawn after resting at a Site of Grace. IN THE WORLD Respawns in Nokron, Eternal CityGrace and Nokstella, Eternal CityGrace. Nokron, Eternal CityGrace: Looted from a body near the cliff edge. Ainsel RiverDungeon DROPPED BY Enemy. Drop rate Additional info Silver Tear 4.00 N/A Silver Sphere 4.00 N/A FARMING LOCATIONS There are approximately 17 Silver Tear Husk spawn locations in Night's Sacred GroundGrace :. From the Night's Sacred GroundGrace Grace, head up the stairs to the right and find 10 in the room ahead: One outside the entrance, seven just inside, and two up the ladder to the northeast of the temple. Then, straight ahead from the grace in the courtyard are 7 more - plus the ones that drop from Silver Tears and mimics. Note that this pickup does not glow as prominently as other crafting ingredients and can therefore be more difficult to spot. Keep mashing that triangle button Sell Value: 10