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Smithing Stone [5]
Smithing Stone [5]
Altus PlateauGrace
Altus TunnelGrace
Castle SolDungeon
Dragon's PitGrace
Fort of ReprimandGrace
Leyndell, Royal CapitalDungeon
Liurnia Highway SouthGrace
Liurnia of the LakesRegion
Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion
Mt. GelmirRegion
Nokron, Eternal CityGrace
Old Altus TunnelGrace
Raya Lucaria AcademyDungeon
Redmane CastleDungeon
Ruin-Strewn PrecipiceGrace
Ruin-Strewn Precipice OverlookGrace
Ruined Forge Lava IntakeGrace
Ruined Forge of Starfall PastGrace
Sealed TunnelGrace
Sellia Crystal TunnelGrace
Shadow KeepDungeon
Subterranean Shunning-GroundsDungeon
The Shaded CastleDungeon
Wyndham CatacombsGrace
Wyndham RuinsLandmark
Dropped by
Black Knight7.000000000000001%
Bloody Finger Ravenmount Assassin10%
Flame Chariot10%
Giant Crayfish7.000000000000001%
Giant Lobster7.000000000000001%
Golem Smith9%
Lesser Black Knight7.000000000000001%
Leyndell Soldier1.5%
Mausoleum Soldier2%
Messmer Soldier5%
Purchased from
Twin Maiden Husks1200
Stone used to smith a variety of armamemnts. A rare specimen, it is tinged with gold. Strengthens armaments up to 15. Mined near the foot of the Erdtree, these stones are said to have been used to bolster the strength of the Royal forces.
Smithing Stone [5] Location in See Smithing Stone [6] for upgrades past 15. Fort of ReprimandGrace: x7 Smithing Stone. Ruined Forge Lava IntakeGrace: Past the message in Ruined Forge Lava IntakeGrace, turn left to reach the room in which you face the golem. x4 Smithing Stone. Taylew's Ruined ForgeGrace: Shadow KeepDungeon: Shadow KeepDungeon: Dragon's PitGrace: x2 Smithing Stone A total of 3 Smithing Stone To buy from Twin Maiden Husks in the round table, Offer the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (3) to the Twin Maiden Husk. They cost 1200 runes. 1x can be looted off a corpse at the end of the cut out steps of the Iron ball trap in Raya Lucaria AcademyDungeon. Wyndham RuinsLandmark: Found on a body in the southern section of the ruins. Found on a corpse slouched over in a corner in the courtyards of Nokron, Eternal CityGrace. Found on a corpse in a graveyard in Nokron, Eternal CityGrace. Found on a corpse on the ruined supporting structures of Nokron, Eternal CityGrace. It is located a level below the phantom on the bridge ruin. Found on a corpse sitting against a column ruin in Nokron, Eternal CityGrace. Found on a corpse sitting by the edge of the water flowing down the Siofra AqueductLandmark. Mt Gelmir: One can be found north from Seethewater RiverGrace site of grace, near Seethewater CaveGrace. Found on a corpse in the caves of Ainsel River MainGrace. Castle SolDungeon: One found under a wooden platform directly opposite the main gates. LeyndellRegion Royal Capital: At the balcony of the fortified Manor, next to the room with the swords on the table. the lower level of the Fortified Manor. Behind the weapons rack in the armory. The Shaded CastleDungeon: A total of 5 can be found in this dungeon: Found on a corpse in an alcove in the southern battlements. Found on a body between a large dead tree and the southern ramparts. Found on a body in the corner behind the Large Poison Flower, in the northwest of the outer courtyard. You can access this area by getting up on the western ramparts and following it north past the rock wall. Found on a body in the corner atop the eastern inner walls. You can access this area by climbing a ladder in the eastern side of the inner courtyard. Found on a body being chewed up by a Rotten Stray on the roof of the northeastern building. This can be accessed by crossing the northern ramparts from the northwestern building and then climbing up the stairs in the northeastern building. 6x can be found in the Altus TunnelGrace. In the first cavern past the Site of Grace, head through the door on the right to find the first stone in the far wall. Back in the main path, head east into the next cavern. The second stone can be found just past the entry point, to the right. In the same cavern, check under the wooden walkway for the third stone. Still in the same cavern, check next to the overgrown root in the southeast to find the fourth stone. The fifth stone is found in the cavern with the boss door, to the left just as you enter. The final stone is also in the cavern with the boss door, next to a root on the left, closer to the boss door. Northern CaelidRegion: North of Sellia Crystal TunnelGrace. 3 can be found within a Breakable Statue. The Dragon east of this location can be used to break it. 8x can be found inside the Sellia Crystal TunnelGrace. The first one is found behind the storage shed on the bottom level of the main cavern. The second stone is found on the slope next to the storage shed at the bottom of the main cavern. The third stone is found on the same slope. Continue heading up the slope all the way to the top. The fourth stone is found in the deep indent on the western wall. Jump on top of the central shed in the main cavern and then onto the wooden platform in the east to hop over the barricade blocking a tunnel. Go through the tunnel and pick up the fifth stone on the left. Continuing on from the previous stone, head up the ladder in the next room and head north to find the sixth stone in the cavity in the wall. The seventh stone is found in the same wall cavity. In the same area, climb up the ladder on the side of the shed and continue along the tunnel ahead to find a cavern with a raised wooden platform. Head up to the platform and check the left wall for the final stone. Redmane CastleDungeon: A total of 2 can be found inside the castle: On a corpse inside the southern-most building of the castle. On a corpse at the top of southeast tower of the castle, accessible by climbing ladders inside and on the roof of the southeast building it is attached to. Old Altus TunnelGrace: A total of 8 can be found inside the dungeon. The first is found by the wall to the right of the first storage shed you encounter. In the main chamber with the wooden walkways, head to the right and climb the ladder into a smaller cavern with a storage shed. On the right side of the miners, check the cavity in the wall concealed by explosive barrels to find the second one. Back on the wooden walkways, take the path to the left of the ladder to find the third stone by the wall. Jump down on the roof of the northern shed, fourth stone is on the wall on the western side. In the same area, check the space between the southern shed and the wall for the fifth stone. In the same area, Sixth stone is on the left side next to a resting miner. In the same area, go behind the northern shed and follow the tunnel to a small cavern to find the seventh stone. Eighth stone is next to the seventh stone along with a Somber Smithing Stone 5. Sealed Tunnel: A total of 5 can be found inside the dungeon. In the hidden chamber past the Site of Grace, drop off the ledge into the lower section and check the alcove in the back for the first stone. In the same chamber, head west to find a chest. Dispel the illusory wall behind the chest to reveal a lift but don't ride it. Instead, drop down the ledges on the left to find the second stone. At the bottom of the lift chamber, look to the south and dispel two illusory walls to reveal a large cavern with overgrown roots. Navigate the roots to reach the tunnel in the east and drop down an opening on the right to find the third stone in the back. Beware of the exploding Abnormal Stone Clusters. In the same chamber with the exploders, look for a set of wooden stairs. The fourth stone can be found on a wall next to these stairs. Still in the same chamber, check the wall opposite the stairs. Beware the exploder hidden behind crates and barrels. Hit the wall to reveal a deep pit with roots strewn across. Drop down to the second root and check the ledge in the corner for the final stone. Deeproot Depths: Found on a rooftop, jump from the root next to it. Deeproot Depths: Found on the ground. , Nokron Nokron , Nokron , Nokron Leyndell , Shunning Ground , Volcano Manor Dropped By 7 chance from Black Knights. 9 chance to drop from Golem Smiths. 5 chance to drop from Gravebird. 5 chance to drop from Messmer Soldier. Base 10 chance from Flame Chariots at Mt Gelmir. 8 chance from Glintstone Miners in Old Altus TunnelGrace & Sealed TunnelGraceAbnormal Stone Clustercation in See Smithing Stone [6] for upgrades past 15. Fort of Reprimand: x7 Smithing Stone. Ruined Forge Lava Intake: Past the message in Ruined Forge Lava Intake, turn left to reach the room in which you face the golem. x4 Smithing Stone. Taylew's Ruined Forge: Shadow Keep: Shadow Keep: Dragon's Pit: x2 Smithing Stone A total of 3 Smithing Stone To buy from Twin Maiden Husks in the round table, Offer the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (3) to the Twin Maiden Husk. They cost 1200 runes. 1x can be looted off a corpse at the end of the cut out steps of the Iron ball trap in Raya Lucaria Academy. Wyndham Ruins: Found on a body in the southern section of the ruins. Found on a corpse slouched over in a corner in the courtyards of Nokron, Eternal City. Found on a corpse in a graveyard in Nokron, Eternal City. Found on a corpse on the ruined supporting structures of Nokron, Eternal City. It is located a level below the phantom on the bridge ruin. Found on a corpse sitting against a column ruin in Nokron, Eternal City. Found on a corpse sitting by the edge of the water flowing down the Siofra Aqueduct. Mt Gelmir: One can be found north from Seethewater River site of grace, near Seethewater Cave. Found on a corpse in the caves of Ainsel River Main. Castle Sol: One found under a wooden platform directly opposite the main gates. Leyndell Royal Capital: At the balcony of the fortified Manor, next to the room with the swords on the table. the lower level of the Fortified Manor. Behind the weapons rack in the armory. The Shaded Castle: A total of 5 can be found in this dungeon: Found on a corpse in an alcove in the southern battlements. Found on a body between a large dead tree and the southern ramparts. Found on a body in the corner behind the Large Poison Flower, in the northwest of the outer courtyard. You can access this area by getting up on the western ramparts and following it north past the rock wall. Found on a body in the corner atop the eastern inner walls. You can access this area by climbing a ladder in the eastern side of the inner courtyard. Found on a body being chewed up by a Rotten Stray on the roof of the northeastern building. This can be accessed by crossing the northern ramparts from the northwestern building and then climbing up the stairs in the northeastern building. 6x can be found in the Altus Tunnel. In the first cavern past the Site of Grace, head through the door on the right to find the first stone in the far wall. Back in the main path, head east into the next cavern. The second stone can be found just past the entry point, to the right. In the same cavern, check under the wooden walkway for the third stone. Still in the same cavern, check next to the overgrown root in the southeast to find the fourth stone. The fifth stone is found in the cavern with the boss door, to the left just as you enter. The final stone is also in the cavern with the boss door, next to a root on the left, closer to the boss door. Northern Caelid: North of Sellia Crystal Tunnel. 3 can be found within a Breakable Statue. The Dragon east of this location can be used to break it. 8x can be found inside the Sellia Crystal Tunnel. The first one is found behind the storage shed on the bottom level of the main cavern. The second stone is found on the slope next to the storage shed at the bottom of the main cavern. The third stone is found on the same slope. Continue heading up the slope all the way to the top. The fourth stone is found in the deep indent on the western wall. Jump on top of the central shed in the main cavern and then onto the wooden platform in the east to hop over the barricade blocking a tunnel. Go through the tunnel and pick up the fifth stone on the left. Continuing on from the previous stone, head up the ladder in the next room and head north to find the sixth stone in the cavity in the wall. The seventh stone is found in the same wall cavity. In the same area, climb up the ladder on the side of the shed and continue along the tunnel ahead to find a cavern with a raised wooden platform. Head up to the platform and check the left wall for the final stone. Redmane Castle: A total of 2 can be found inside the castle: On a corpse inside the southern-most building of the castle. On a corpse at the top of southeast tower of the castle, accessible by climbing ladders inside and on the roof of the southeast building it is attached to. Old Altus Tunnel: A total of 8 can be found inside the dungeon. The first is found by the wall to the right of the first storage shed you encounter. In the main chamber with the wooden walkways, head to the right and climb the ladder into a smaller cavern with a storage shed. On the right side of the miners, check the cavity in the wall concealed by explosive barrels to find the second one. Back on the wooden walkways, take the path to the left of the ladder to find the third stone by the wall. Jump down on the roof of the northern shed, fourth stone is on the wall on the western side. In the same area, check the space between the southern shed and the wall for the fifth stone. In the same area, Sixth stone is on the left side next to a resting miner. In the same area, go behind the northern shed and follow the tunnel to a small cavern to find the seventh stone. Eighth stone is next to the seventh stone along with a Somber Smithing Stone 5. Sealed Tunnel: A total of 5 can be found inside the dungeon. In the hidden chamber past the Site of Grace, drop off the ledge into the lower section and check the alcove in the back for the first stone. In the same chamber, head west to find a chest. Dispel the illusory wall behind the chest to reveal a lift but don't ride it. Instead, drop down the ledges on the left to find the second stone. At the bottom of the lift chamber, look to the south and dispel two illusory walls to reveal a large cavern with overgrown roots. Navigate the roots to reach the tunnel in the east and drop down an opening on the right to find the third stone in the back. Beware of the exploding Abnormal Stone Clusters. In the same chamber with the exploders, look for a set of wooden stairs. The fourth stone can be found on a wall next to these stairs. Still in the same chamber, check the wall opposite the stairs. Beware the exploder hidden behind crates and barrels. Hit the wall to reveal a deep pit with roots strewn across. Drop down to the second root and check the ledge in the corner for the final stone. Deeproot DepthsGrace: Found on a rooftop, jump from the root next to it. Deeproot DepthsGrace: Found on the ground. , Nokron Nokron , Nokron , Nokron LeyndellRegion , Shunning Ground , Volcano ManorGrace Dropped By 7 chance from Black Knights. 9 chance to drop from Golem Smiths. 5 chance to drop from Gravebird. 5 chance to drop from Messmer Soldier. Base 10 chance from Flame Chariots at Mt Gelmir. 8 chance from Glintstone Miners in Old Altus Tunnel & Sealed Tunnel 5 chance from certain Golems in Altus Plateau 2 chance from certain Imps Sainted Hero's Grave, Auriza Side Tomb, Subterranean Shunning-Grounds, and Wyndham Catacombs 2 chance from certain Leyndell Soldiers Includes many soldiers around Leyndell, The Royal Capital, Altus Plateau, and Mt Gelmir 2 chance from Mausoleum Soldiers at the Deeproot Depth Miners in the Old Altus TunnelGraceAltus TunnelGraceone [5] Location in See Smithing Stone [6] for upgrades past 15. Fort of Reprimand: x7 Smithing Stone. Ruined Forge Lava Intake: Past the message in Ruined Forge Lava Intake, turn left to reach the room in which you face the golem. x4 Smithing Stone. Taylew's Ruined Forge: Shadow Keep: Shadow Keep: Dragon's Pit: x2 Smithing Stone A total of 3 Smithing Stone To buy from Twin Maiden Husks in the round table, Offer the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (3) to the Twin Maiden Husk. They cost 1200 runes. 1x can be looted off a corpse at the end of the cut out steps of the Iron ball trap in Raya Lucaria Academy. Wyndham Ruins: Found on a body in the southern section of the ruins. Found on a corpse slouched over in a corner in the courtyards of Nokron, Eternal City. Found on a corpse in a graveyard in Nokron, Eternal City. Found on a corpse on the ruined supporting structures of Nokron, Eternal City. It is located a level below the phantom on the bridge ruin. Found on a corpse sitting against a column ruin in Nokron, Eternal City. Found on a corpse sitting by the edge of the water flowing down the Siofra Aqueduct. Mt Gelmir: One can be found north from Seethewater River site of grace, near Seethewater Cave. Found on a corpse in the caves of Ainsel River Main. Castle Sol: One found under a wooden platform directly opposite the main gates. Leyndell Royal Capital: At the balcony of the fortified Manor, next to the room with the swords on the table. the lower level of the Fortified Manor. Behind the weapons rack in the armory. The Shaded Castle: A total of 5 can be found in this dungeon: Found on a corpse in an alcove in the southern battlements. Found on a body between a large dead tree and the southern ramparts. Found on a body in the corner behind the Large Poison Flower, in the northwest of the outer courtyard. You can access this area by getting up on the western ramparts and following it north past the rock wall. Found on a body in the corner atop the eastern inner walls. You can access this area by climbing a ladder in the eastern side of the inner courtyard. Found on a body being chewed up by a Rotten Stray on the roof of the northeastern building. This can be accessed by crossing the northern ramparts from the northwestern building and then climbing up the stairs in the northeastern building. 6x can be found in the Altus Tunnel. In the first cavern past the Site of Grace, head through the door on the right to find the first stone in the far wall. Back in the main path, head east into the next cavern. The second stone can be found just past the entry point, to the right. In the same cavern, check under the wooden walkway for the third stone. Still in the same cavern, check next to the overgrown root in the southeast to find the fourth stone. The fifth stone is found in the cavern with the boss door, to the left just as you enter. The final stone is also in the cavern with the boss door, next to a root on the left, closer to the boss door. Northern Caelid: North of Sellia Crystal Tunnel. 3 can be found within a Breakable Statue. The Dragon east of this location can be used to break it. 8x can be found inside the Sellia Crystal Tunnel. The first one is found behind the storage shed on the bottom level of the main cavern. The second stone is found on the slope next to the storage shed at the bottom of the main cavern. The third stone is found on the same slope. Continue heading up the slope all the way to the top. The fourth stone is found in the deep indent on the western wall. Jump on top of the central shed in the main cavern and then onto the wooden platform in the east to hop over the barricade blocking a tunnel. Go through the tunnel and pick up the fifth stone on the left. Continuing on from the previous stone, head up the ladder in the next room and head north to find the sixth stone in the cavity in the wall. The seventh stone is found in the same wall cavity. In the same area, climb up the ladder on the side of the shed and continue along the tunnel ahead to find a cavern with a raised wooden platform. Head up to the platform and check the left wall for the final stone. Redmane Castle: A total of 2 can be found inside the castle: On a corpse inside the southern-most building of the castle. On a corpse at the top of southeast tower of the castle, accessible by climbing ladders inside and on the roof of the southeast building it is attached to. Old Altus Tunnel: A total of 8 can be found inside the dungeon. The first is found by the wall to the right of the first storage shed you encounter. In the main chamber with the wooden walkways, head to the right and climb the ladder into a smaller cavern with a storage shed. On the right side of the miners, check the cavity in the wall concealed by explosive barrels to find the second one. Back on the wooden walkways, take the path to the left of the ladder to find the third stone by the wall. Jump down on the roof of the northern shed, fourth stone is on the wall on the western side. In the same area, check the space between the southern shed and the wall for the fifth stone. In the same area, Sixth stone is on the left side next to a resting miner. In the same area, go behind the northern shed and follow the tunnel to a small cavern to find the seventh stone. Eighth stone is next to the seventh stone along with a Somber Smithing Stone 5. Sealed TunnelGrace: A total of 5 can be found inside the dungeon. In the hidden chamber past the Site of Grace, drop off the ledge into the lower section and check the alcove in the back for the first stone. In the same chamber, head west to find a chest. Dispel the illusory wall behind the chest to reveal a lift but don't ride it. Instead, drop down the ledges on the left to find the second stone. At the bottom of the lift chamber, look to the south and dispel two illusory walls to reveal a large cavern with overgrown roots. Navigate the roots to reach the tunnel in the east and drop down an opening on the right to find the third stone in the back. Beware of the exploding Abnormal Stone Clusters. In the same chamber with the exploders, look for a set of wooden stairs. The fourth stone can be found on a wall next to these stairs. Still in the same chamber, check the wall opposite the stairs. Beware the exploder hidden behind crates and barrels. Hit the wall to reveal a deep pit with roots strewn across. Drop down to the second root and check the ledge in the corner for the final stone. Deeproot Depths: Found on a rooftop, jump from the root next to it. Deeproot Depths: Found on the ground. , Nokron Nokron , Nokron , Nokron Leyndell , Shunning Ground , Volcano Manor Dropped By 7 chance from Black Knights. 9 chance to drop from Golem Smiths. 5 chance to drop from Gravebird. 5 chance to drop from Messmer Soldier. Base 10 chance from Flame Chariots at Mt Gelmir. 8 chance from Glintstone Miners in Old Altus Tunnel & Sealed Tunnel 5 chance from certain Golems in Altus PlateauGrace 2 chance from certain Imps Sainted Hero's GraveGrace, Auriza Side TombGrace, Subterranean Shunning-GroundsDungeon, and Wyndham CatacombsGrace 2 chance from certain Leyndell Soldiers Includes many soldiers around LeyndellRegion, The Royal Capital, Altus PlateauGrace, and Mt Gelmir 2 chance from Mausoleum Soldiers at the Deeproot Depth Miners in the Old Altus TunnelGraceAltus TunnelGraceone [5] Location in See Smithing Stone [6] for upgrades past 15. Fort of Reprimand: x7 Smithing Stone. Ruined Forge Lava Intake: Past the message in Ruined Forge Lava Intake, turn left to reach the room in which you face the golem. x4 Smithing Stone. Taylew's Ruined Forge: Shadow Keep: Shadow Keep: Dragon's Pit: x2 Smithing Stone A total of 3 Smithing Stone To buy from Twin Maiden Husks in the round table, Offer the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (3) to the Twin Maiden Husk. They cost 1200 runes. 1x can be looted off a corpse at the end of the cut out steps of the Iron ball trap in Raya Lucaria Academy. Wyndham Ruins: Found on a body in the southern section of the ruins. Found on a corpse slouched over in a corner in the courtyards of Nokron, Eternal City. Found on a corpse in a graveyard in Nokron, Eternal City. Found on a corpse on the ruined supporting structures of Nokron, Eternal City. It is located a level below the phantom on the bridge ruin. Found on a corpse sitting against a column ruin in Nokron, Eternal City. Found on a corpse sitting by the edge of the water flowing down the Siofra Aqueduct. Mt Gelmir: One can be found north from Seethewater River site of grace, near Seethewater Cave. Found on a corpse in the caves of Ainsel River Main. Castle Sol: One found under a wooden platform directly opposite the main gates. Leyndell Royal Capital: At the balcony of the fortified Manor, next to the room with the swords on the table. the lower level of the Fortified Manor. Behind the weapons rack in the armory. The Shaded Castle: A total of 5 can be found in this dungeon: Found on a corpse in an alcove in the southern battlements. Found on a body between a large dead tree and the southern ramparts. Found on a body in the corner behind the Large Poison Flower, in the northwest of the outer courtyard. You can access this area by getting up on the western ramparts and following it north past the rock wall. Found on a body in the corner atop the eastern inner walls. You can access this area by climbing a ladder in the eastern side of the inner courtyard. Found on a body being chewed up by a Rotten Stray on the roof of the northeastern building. This can be accessed by crossing the northern ramparts from the northwestern building and then climbing up the stairs in the northeastern building. 6x can be found in the Altus Tunnel. In the first cavern past the Site of Grace, head through the door on the right to find the first stone in the far wall. Back in the main path, head east into the next cavern. The second stone can be found just past the entry point, to the right. In the same cavern, check under the wooden walkway for the third stone. Still in the same cavern, check next to the overgrown root in the southeast to find the fourth stone. The fifth stone is found in the cavern with the boss door, to the left just as you enter. The final stone is also in the cavern with the boss door, next to a root on the left, closer to the boss door. Northern Caelid: North of Sellia Crystal Tunnel. 3 can be found within a Breakable Statue. The Dragon east of this location can be used to break it. 8x can be found inside the Sellia Crystal Tunnel. The first one is found behind the storage shed on the bottom level of the main cavern. The second stone is found on the slope next to the storage shed at the bottom of the main cavern. The third stone is found on the same slope. Continue heading up the slope all the way to the top. The fourth stone is found in the deep indent on the western wall. Jump on top of the central shed in the main cavern and then onto the wooden platform in the east to hop over the barricade blocking a tunnel. Go through the tunnel and pick up the fifth stone on the left. Continuing on from the previous stone, head up the ladder in the next room and head north to find the sixth stone in the cavity in the wall. The seventh stone is found in the same wall cavity. In the same area, climb up the ladder on the side of the shed and continue along the tunnel ahead to find a cavern with a raised wooden platform. Head up to the platform and check the left wall for the final stone. Redmane Castle: A total of 2 can be found inside the castle: On a corpse inside the southern-most building of the castle. On a corpse at the top of southeast tower of the castle, accessible by climbing ladders inside and on the roof of the southeast building it is attached to. Old Altus Tunnel: A total of 8 can be found inside the dungeon. The first is found by the wall to the right of the first storage shed you encounter. In the main chamber with the wooden walkways, head to the right and climb the ladder into a smaller cavern with a storage shed. On the right side of the miners, check the cavity in the wall concealed by explosive barrels to find the second one. Back on the wooden walkways, take the path to the left of the ladder to find the third stone by the wall. Jump down on the roof of the northern shed, fourth stone is on the wall on the western side. In the same area, check the space between the southern shed and the wall for the fifth stone. In the same area, Sixth stone is on the left side next to a resting miner. In the same area, go behind the northern shed and follow the tunnel to a small cavern to find the seventh stone. Eighth stone is next to the seventh stone along with a Somber Smithing Stone 5. Sealed TunnelGrace: A total of 5 can be found inside the dungeon. In the hidden chamber past the Site of Grace, drop off the ledge into the lower section and check the alcove in the back for the first stone. In the same chamber, head west to find a chest. Dispel the illusory wall behind the chest to reveal a lift but don't ride it. Instead, drop down the ledges on the left to find the second stone. At the bottom of the lift chamber, look to the south and dispel two illusory walls to reveal a large cavern with overgrown roots. Navigate the roots to reach the tunnel in the east and drop down an opening on the right to find the third stone in the back. Beware of the exploding Abnormal Stone Clusters. In the same chamber with the exploders, look for a set of wooden stairs. The fourth stone can be found on a wall next to these stairs. Still in the same chamber, check the wall opposite the stairs. Beware the exploder hidden behind crates and barrels. Hit the wall to reveal a deep pit with roots strewn across. Drop down to the second root and check the ledge in the corner for the final stone. Deeproot Depths: Found on a rooftop, jump from the root next to it. Deeproot Depths: Found on the ground. , Nokron Nokron , Nokron , Nokron Leyndell , Shunning Ground , Volcano Manor Dropped By 7 chance from Black Knights. 9 chance to drop from Golem Smiths. 5 chance to drop from Gravebird. 5 chance to drop from Messmer Soldier. Base 10 chance from Flame Chariots at Mt Gelmir. 8 chance from Glintstone Miners in Old Altus Tunnel & Sealed Tunnel 5 chance from certain Golems in Altus Plateau 2 chance from certain Imps Sainted Hero's Grave, Auriza Side Tomb, Subterranean Shunning-Grounds, and Wyndham Catacombs 2 chance from certain Leyndell Soldiers Includes many soldiers around Leyndell, The Royal Capital, Altus Plateau, and Mt Gelmir 2 chance from Mausoleum Soldiers at the Deeproot Depth Miners in the Old Altus Tunnel Miners in the first area after the grace in Sealed Tunnel From the Leyndell Soldiers right by the First Mt. Gelmir Campsite site of grace You can hold up to 999 Smithing Stone [5]. You can store up to 999 Smithing Stone [5]. Sell Value: 500. To buy from Twin Maiden Husks in the round table, Offer the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (3) to the Twin Maiden Husk.