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Smithing Stone [6]
Smithing Stone [6]
Ainsel RiverDungeon
Belurat GaolGrace
Capital OutskirtsRegion
Castle EnsisRegion
Castle SolDungeon
Cathedral of the ForsakenGrace
Cerulean CoastRegion
Consecrated SnowfieldGrace
Crumbling Farum AzulaDungeon
Deeproot DepthsGrace
Elphael, Brace of the HaligtreeDungeon
Grand CloisterGrace
Hermit's ShackLandmark
Lake of RotDungeon
Leyndell, Royal CapitalDungeon
Miquella's HaligtreeDungeon
Mohgwyn PalaceLandmark
Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion
Mt. GelmirRegion
Nokstella, Eternal CityGrace
Redmane CastleDungeon
Ruined Forge of Starfall PastGrace
Sealed TunnelGrace
Shadow KeepDungeon
Stone Coffin FissureRegion
Volcano ManorGrace
Dropped by
Black Knight4%
Fallingstar Beast4%
Fire Knight8%
Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast4%
Giant Crayfish4%
Giant Lobster4%
Golem Smith4%
Haligtree Soldier2%
Lesser Black Knight4%
Mausoleum Soldier4%
Purchased from
Twin Maiden Husks1500
Stone used to smith a variety of armaments. A larger rare specimen, it is tinged with gold. Strengthens armaments up to 18. Mined near the foot of the Erdtree, these stones are said to have been used to bolster the strength of the Royal forces.
Smithing Stone [6] Location in See Smithing Stone [7] for upgrades past 18. Fort of ReprimandGrace: Can be found on a body outside the Fort. Fort of ReprimandGrace: x8 can be looted from a chest inside a cell with several guards down a ladder from the main basement. Belurat GaolGrace: Found within the jar labyrinth. Taylew's Ruined ForgeGrace:. Taylew's Ruined ForgeGrace: Taylew's Ruined ForgeGrace: Shadow KeepDungeon: Stone Coffin FissureRegion: Can be found on a corpse lying beside a wrecked boat. A total of 6 Smithing Stone Nokstella, Eternal CityGrace:. Found on a corpse in the corner of the base of a building in Nokstella, Eternal CityGrace. Beware of the snail ambush after you pick the item up. Found on a corpse at the side of a building in Nokstella, Eternal CityGrace. Found on a corpse inside a ruin LeyndellRegion Royal Capital: Low chance drop from Leyndell Soldiers 2x found north of Auriza Hero's GraveGrace. Bait the Runebear from further northeast into breaking open the statue with the glowing crack. The statue contains the smithing stones. Found on a body at the little patio. Shunning Grounds, , Mohgwyn PalaceLandmark Grand CloisterGrace: Found on a corpse at the bottom of the waterfall. A Putrid Tree Spirit will ambush you when you pick up the item. Altus PlateauGrace: 5x dropped by the Fallingstar Beast field boss. Mt. Gelmir: 5x dropped by Full-Grown Fallingstar BeastFallingstar Beast6] Location in See Smithing Stone [7] for upgrades past 18. Fort of Reprimand: Can be found on a body outside the Fort. Fort of Reprimand: x8 can be looted from a chest inside a cell with several guards down a ladder from the main basement. Belurat Gaol: Found within the jar labyrinth. Taylew's Ruined Forge:. Taylew's Ruined Forge: Taylew's Ruined Forge: Shadow Keep: Stone Coffin Fissure: Can be found on a corpse lying beside a wrecked boat. A total of 6 Smithing Stone Nokstella, Eternal City:. Found on a corpse in the corner of the base of a building in Nokstella, Eternal City. Beware of the snail ambush after you pick the item up. Found on a corpse at the side of a building in Nokstella, Eternal City. Found on a corpse inside a ruin Leyndell Royal Capital: Low chance drop from Leyndell Soldiers 2x found north of Auriza Hero's Grave. Bait the Runebear from further northeast into breaking open the statue with the glowing crack. The statue contains the smithing stones. Found on a body at the little patio. Shunning Grounds, , Mohgwyn Palace Grand Cloister: Found on a corpse at the bottom of the waterfall. A Putrid Tree Spirit will ambush you when you pick up the item. Altus Plateau: 5x dropped by the Fallingstar Beast field boss. Mt. Gelmir: 5x dropped by Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast. 3x located in a breakable statue near the Hermit's ShackLandmark, Mt. Gelmir. There is a Runebear in the area you can lure to this location to help you break the statue and retrieve its contents , Volcano ManorGrace Crumbling Farum AzulaDungeon - A total of 4 can be found in the region: 1x found on a corpse along the middle of the curved bridge/platform in the southwest. 1x found on a corpse hanging off a crumbled section of the upper floor of the large building northwest from the Crumbling Beast Grave DepthsGrace site of grace. To reach this upper level, head out of the balcony of the next room from the site of grace and jump up onto the red roof right next to it. You can enter the building's upper level from here. 1x found a few meters away to the right path after finding the Dragon TempleGrace site of grace. 1x found on a corpse northeast of the Dragon Temple RooftopGrace site of grace, in front of a large rotunda building in the rooftop gardens. Castle SolDungeon: A total of 2 can be found in the castle. 1x found on a corpse on top of the central building in the courtyard, accessible by walking along the top of the outer walls from the northwest. 1x found on a corpse in the upper level of a building east of the church. Leyndell, Royal CapitalDungeon: Found on the wide area, past the Lesser Ulcerated Tree Spirit. Found on the upper platform. After climbing the ladder, open the door in front of you. Climb the next set of stairs, head to one of the corners of the stairs you just climbed up to find it. Found near the Omensmirk, on the ground. Shunning Grounds, Volcano ManorGrace: 1x found on a corpse in the far side of the dining hall on the upper floor, right above the Volcano ManorGrace grace. 2x found on a corpse on a rooftop near Guest HallGrace grace. 2x found on a corpse sitting amongst some tombstones in a tiny island in the lava in the Volcano ManorGrace dungeon. 1x found on a corpse in the lava-filled caverns. 1x found on the rooftops of Volcano ManorGrace. Mohgwyn PalaceLandmark: 1x found on a corpse inside a small cave along the eastern walls in the northern section of the blood marsh. Deeproot DepthsGrace: 3x found in a ruined structure near the waterfalls on a dead body surrounded by many basilisks. 1x on the root above the middle of the map. 1x found up on a tree. 1x found atop the ruins , Deeproot DepthsGrace , Deeproot DepthsGrace , Deeproot DepthsGrace Miquella's HaligtreeDungeon: Found on a corpse on the roof of a small building. Found on a corpse on a platform in filled with scarlet rot zombies. Elphael, Brace of the HaligtreeDungeon: Found on a corpse by the wall directly north of the Elphael Inner WallGrace site of grace. Redmane CastleDungeon: A total of 3 can be found in the castle: 1x found on a corpse on a ledge in the middle level of the lookout tower outside of the castle, southwest of the main gate. To reach it, head for the cliffs to the south of the castle's main gate and then jump onto the tower's roof. There is a ladder you can descend to reach the middle ledge. 1x in a chest on the roof of the eastern-most building, south of the plaza. This roof can be reached by starting from the eastern gate house building right next to the main gate. If the door to this building is closed, finish the Radahn Festival and exhaust Witch-Hunter Jerren's dialogue afterward. Head up the stairs and then navigate across the ramparts and some wooden bridges among the rooftops. 1x on a corpse inside the chapel to the north of the castle. Sealed TunnelGrace: 3x inside a cracked glowing statue. At the bottom of the lift found halfway through the dungeon, dispel two illusory walls to the south to reveal a large chamber with an Abductor Virgin roaming the very bottom level. Lure it to the east end where the statue can be found. Its attacks can destroy the statue, revealing the stones. Ainsel RiverDungeon: Miquella's HaligtreeDungeon You can hold up to 999 Smithing Stone [6]. You can store up to 999 Smithing Stone [6]. Sell Value: 600