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Somber Smithing Stone [7]
Somber Smithing Stone [7]
Abyssal WoodsRegion
Ainsel RiverDungeon
Crumbling Farum AzulaDungeon
Deeproot DepthsGrace
Flame PeakLandmark
Forbidden LandsGrace
Lake of RotDungeon
Miquella's HaligtreeDungeon
Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion
Nokstella, Eternal CityGrace
Ruined Forge of Starfall PastGrace
Subterranean Shunning-GroundsDungeon
Volcano ManorGrace
Dropped by
Golem Smith3.6000000000000005%
Horned Shaman1.6%
Horned Warrior1.6%
Lesser Fingercreeper13.22%
Malformed Star13.22%
Purchased from
Twin Maiden Husks16000
Polar smithing stone drained of color. Strengthens special armaments to 7. Special armaments with unique characteristics cannot be strengthened with colored smithing stones. Number of steps and amount strengthened differ from standard equipment.
Somber Smithing Stone [7] Location in See Somber Smithing Stone [8] for upgrades past 7. Somber Smithing Stone. x1 can be found in Rauh BaseRegion dropped by a teardrop scarab north of the site of grace Can be purchased from Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable HoldLandmark after giving them the Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (4). Volcano ManorGrace:. 1x found on a ledge guarded by an Abductor Virgin across the bridge northwest of the Temple of EiglayGrace site of grace. From said site, travel to the throne room via the top of the temple. Take the door opposite the one leading to the waygate into Rykard's lair, which needs 2 Stonesword Keys to open. Jump down the cages and go left past the Seedbed Curse. Subterranean Shunning-GroundsDungeon:. 2x found in the sewer where two Giant Crayfish and several Fanged Imps, one in a Teardrop Scarab, and the other on a dead body. Nokstella, Eternal CityGrace: 1x found in a chest at the back of a room protected by Silver Tears. 1x found on a corpse laying on a ledge overlooking Ainsel RiverDungeon. 1x found in a building with an open window containing a chest. Lake of RotDungeon: 1x found on a corpse lying in a ruin. 1x found on a corpse at the edge of a tiny landmass in the north-west. Forbidden LandsGrace: 1x found on a corpse inside the giant skull on the hill before the encounter with Black Blade Kindred. Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion: 1x dropped by a Teardrop Scarab clinging to a frozen tree right after Zamor RuinsGrace, to the north. 1x dropped by 2 Lion Guardian's at the entrance of Castle SolDungeon Consecrated SnowfieldGrace: 1x dropped by a Teardrop Scarab Crumbling Farum AzulaDungeon: 1x found on a corpse on a chunk of floating debris, on the eastern edge of the heavily-ruined section between the Tempest-Facing BalconyGrace and the Dragon TempleGrace sites of grace. 1x found on a corpse by the cliffs underneath a section of the Great Bridge, accessible by circling around the plaza southeast of the Dragon Temple RooftopGrace site of grace. Deeproot DepthsGrace: 1x found inside a sunken building near the roots at the far north. 1x found in a small cave next to the Walking Mausoleum, guarded by a Lesser Runebear. 1x found on a corpse under the roots in northern region. 1x found in a small building on a corpse. , Deeproot DepthsGrace , Deeproot DepthsGrace Uhl Palace RuinsLandmark 1x dropped by the Malformed Star. Consecrated SnowfieldGrace: To the west inside a breakable statue. Ainsel RiverDungeon. Ainsel RiverDungeon Ainsel RiverDungeon Shunning Grounds Shunning Grounds Dropped By 3.6 chance to drop from Golem Smiths. 1.6 to drop from Horned Warriors 1.6 chance to drop from Horned Shaman. Guaranteed one-time-only drop from 13 different Fingercreepers at Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion. Guaranteed one-time-only drop from the Fingercreeper at Subterranean Shunning-GroundsDungeon 13.22 chance from Lesser FingercreeperFingercreepering Stone [7] Location in See Somber Smithing Stone [8] for upgrades past 7. Somber Smithing Stone. x1 can be found in Rauh Base dropped by a teardrop scarab north of the site of grace Can be purchased from Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold after giving them the Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (4). Volcano Manor:. 1x found on a ledge guarded by an Abductor Virgin across the bridge northwest of the Temple of Eiglay site of grace. From said site, travel to the throne room via the top of the temple. Take the door opposite the one leading to the waygate into Rykard's lair, which needs 2 Stonesword Keys to open. Jump down the cages and go left past the Seedbed Curse. Subterranean Shunning-GroundsDungeon:. 2x found in the sewer where two Giant Crayfish and several Fanged Imps, one in a Teardrop Scarab, and the other on a dead body. Nokstella, Eternal City: 1x found in a chest at the back of a room protected by Silver Tears. 1x found on a corpse laying on a ledge overlooking Ainsel River. 1x found in a building with an open window containing a chest. Lake of Rot: 1x found on a corpse lying in a ruin. 1x found on a corpse at the edge of a tiny landmass in the north-west. Forbidden Lands: 1x found on a corpse inside the giant skull on the hill before the encounter with Black Blade Kindred. Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion: 1x dropped by a Teardrop Scarab clinging to a frozen tree right after Zamor Ruins, to the north. 1x dropped by 2 Lion Guardian's at the entrance of Castle Sol Consecrated Snowfield: 1x dropped by a Teardrop Scarab Crumbling Farum Azula: 1x found on a corpse on a chunk of floating debris, on the eastern edge of the heavily-ruined section between the Tempest-Facing Balcony and the Dragon Temple sites of grace. 1x found on a corpse by the cliffs underneath a section of the Great Bridge, accessible by circling around the plaza southeast of the Dragon Temple Rooftop site of grace. Deeproot Depths: 1x found inside a sunken building near the roots at the far north. 1x found in a small cave next to the Walking Mausoleum, guarded by a Lesser Runebear. 1x found on a corpse under the roots in northern region. 1x found in a small building on a corpse. , Deeproot Depths , Deeproot Depths Uhl Palace Ruins 1x dropped by the Malformed Star. Consecrated Snowfield: To the west inside a breakable statue. Ainsel River. Ainsel River Ainsel River Shunning Grounds Shunning Grounds Dropped By 3.6 chance to drop from Golem Smiths. 1.6 to drop from Horned Warriors 1.6 chance to drop from Horned Shaman. Guaranteed one-time-only drop from 13 different Fingercreepers at Mountaintops of the Giants. Guaranteed one-time-only drop from the Fingercreeper at Subterranean Shunning-Grounds 13.22 chance from Lesser Fingercreepers at Subterranean Shunning-Grounds and Mountaintops of the Giants 1.5 chance from Battlemages at Miquella's HaligtreeDungeon You can hold up to 999 Somber Smithing Stone [7]. You can store up to 999 Somber Smithing Stone [7]. Sell Value: 1400.