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Strip of White Flesh
Strip of White Flesh
Liurnia Highway SouthGrace
Liurnia of the LakesRegion
Shadow KeepDungeon
Subterranean Shunning-GroundsDungeon
Dropped by
Burning Slug4%
Giant Crab25%
Giant Crayfish100%
Giant Land Octopus25%
Giant Land Squirt8%
Giant Lobster100%
Land Octopus5%
Land Squirt4%
Large Oracle Envoy6%
Oracle Envoy4%
Oracle Envoy Giant20%
Thin strips of flesh taken from a bloodless creature. Material used for crafting items. The dried meat toughens the constitution, boosting resistance. It's known for its long-lasting effect.
In the world 1 in Siofra River WellLandmark: On a dead body behind the Giant Crab. 1 by Stormfoot CatacombsGrace: On the beach, in front of a Godrick Soldier. 3 by Gate Town BridgeGrace Site of Grace in Liurnia of the LakesRegion: Under the bridge, surrounded by Land Squirts. 2 by Main Academy GateGrace Site of Grace in Liurnia of the LakesRegion: At the end of the path to the southeast. 1 by Bridge of SacrificeGrace: On a dead body by the road south of the bridge. Shadow KeepDungeon: x2 As you enter from the Church District EntranceGrace site of grace. Jump from the platform to the flooded roofs and move to the left side to find this item. DROPPED BY Enemy. Drop rate. Additional info Giant Crayfish 100.00 - Turtle 25.00 - Giant Land Octopus 25.00 - Land Octopus 5.00 - Giant Crab 25.00 - Crab 3.00 - Giant Oracle Envoy 20.00 - Large Oracle Envoy 6.00 - Oracle EnvoyOracle Envoyd 1 in Siofra River Well: On a dead body behind the Giant Crab. 1 by Stormfoot Catacombs: On the beach, in front of a Godrick Soldier. 3 by Gate Town Bridge Site of Grace in Liurnia of the Lakes: Under the bridge, surrounded by Land Squirts. 2 by Main Academy Gate Site of Grace in Liurnia of the Lakes: At the end of the path to the southeast. 1 by Bridge of Sacrifice: On a dead body by the road south of the bridge. Shadow Keep: x2 As you enter from the Church District Entrance site of grace. Jump from the platform to the flooded roofs and move to the left side to find this item. DROPPED BY Enemy. Drop rate. Additional info Giant Crayfish 100.00 - Turtle 25.00 - Giant Land Octopus 25.00 - Land Octopus 5.00 - Giant Crab 25.00 - Crab 3.00 - Giant Oracle Envoy 20.00 - Large Oracle Envoy 6.00 - Oracle Envoy 4.00 - Giant Land SquirtLand Squirtld 1 in Siofra River Well: On a dead body behind the Giant Crab. 1 by Stormfoot Catacombs: On the beach, in front of a Godrick Soldier. 3 by Gate Town Bridge Site of Grace in Liurnia of the Lakes: Under the bridge, surrounded by Land Squirts. 2 by Main Academy Gate Site of Grace in Liurnia of the Lakes: At the end of the path to the southeast. 1 by Bridge of Sacrifice: On a dead body by the road south of the bridge. Shadow Keep: x2 As you enter from the Church District Entrance site of grace. Jump from the platform to the flooded roofs and move to the left side to find this item. DROPPED BY Enemy. Drop rate. Additional info Giant Crayfish 100.00 - Turtle 25.00 - Giant Land Octopus 25.00 - Land Octopus 5.00 - Giant Crab 25.00 - Crab 3.00 - Giant Oracle Envoy 20.00 - Large Oracle Envoy 6.00 - Oracle Envoy 4.00 - Giant Land Squirt 4.00 - Burning Slug 4.00 - Slug 4.00 - FARMING LOCATIONS Summonwater VillageLandmark: Eight Turtles can be found in and around the basement where the Green Turtle TalismanTurtlee world 1 in Siofra River Well: On a dead body behind the Giant Crab. 1 by Stormfoot Catacombs: On the beach, in front of a Godrick Soldier. 3 by Gate Town Bridge Site of Grace in Liurnia of the Lakes: Under the bridge, surrounded by Land Squirts. 2 by Main Academy Gate Site of Grace in Liurnia of the Lakes: At the end of the path to the southeast. 1 by Bridge of Sacrifice: On a dead body by the road south of the bridge. Shadow Keep: x2 As you enter from the Church District Entrance site of grace. Jump from the platform to the flooded roofs and move to the left side to find this item. DROPPED BY Enemy. Drop rate. Additional info Giant Crayfish 100.00 - Turtle 25.00 - Giant Land Octopus 25.00 - Land Octopus 5.00 - Giant Crab 25.00 - Crab 3.00 - Giant Oracle Envoy 20.00 - Large Oracle Envoy 6.00 - Oracle Envoy 4.00 - Giant Land Squirt 4.00 - Burning Slug 4.00 - Slug 4.00 - FARMING LOCATIONS Summonwater Village: Eight Turtles can be found in and around the basement where the Green Turtle Talisman can be found. You can hold up to 999 Strip of White Flesh. You can store up to 999 Strip of White Flesh. Sell Value: 10