This guide details the complete Brother Corhyn and Goldmask questline, including locations, dialogue, and rewards.
1. Meet Brother Corhyn:
* Location: Roundtable HoldLandmark (Main Room)
* Reward: None
2. Brother Corhyn Departs:
* After reaching Altus PlateauGrace, Corhyn leaves Roundtable HoldLandmark to find Goldmask.
3. Find Corhyn in Altus Plateau:
* Location: North of Altus Highway JunctionGrace Site of Grace
* Reward: None
4. Find Goldmask:
* Location: Northern side of the broken bridge north of Bower of BountyGrace Site of Grace
* Reward: None
5. Tell Corhyn about Goldmask:
* Reward: Golden Order Principia prayerbook (grants Law of Regression incantation)
6. Find Goldmask's Hidden Statue:
* Location: Erdtree SanctuaryGrace, behind a seal requiring Law of Regression
* Reward: None
7. Inform Corhyn and Goldmask:
* Location: West Capital RampartGrace near the Coliseum (Leyndell, Royal CapitalDungeon)
* Reward: None
8. Progress through Leyndell:
* Goldmask automatically moves when certain areas are accessed.
9. Find Goldmask at Stargazers' Ruins:
* Location: South of Stargazers' RuinsLandmark, bridge on west side
* Reward: None
10. Goldmask Moves to Leyndell:
* Location: Coliseum Outer Wall Site of Grace, behind the west-facing statue
* Reward: Mending Rune of Perfect Order (upon touching the statue)
Additional Notes:
- You can interact with both Corhyn and Goldmask throughout the questline for additional dialogue and lore.
- Corhyn sells various useful incantations during the quest.
- Completing the quest unlocks the Age of Order ending.
- RewardsCorhyn's Bell BearingCorhyn's RobeGoldmask's Set