This questline revolves around two characters - Diallos, a warrior searching for his homeland, and Jar-Bairn, a small jar seeking its missing companion Gideon.
1. Meet Diallos:
* Find Diallos at the Roundtable HoldLandmark, near the blacksmith Hugr.
* He mentions searching for his lost homeland, Hoslow.
* You gain no items at this step.
2. Diallos' North Liurnia Journey:
* Exhaust his dialogue until he mentions heading north.
* Find him atop a sunken roof west of the Academy Gate TownGrace Site of Grace.
* He reveals a letter from Volcano ManorGrace requesting his service.
* You gain no items at this step.
3. Diallos at Volcano Manor:
* Progress Volcano ManorGrace until you reach Rykard (optional).
* Speak with Diallos in the drawing-room after acquiring two Letters of Introduction.
* He decides to join Volcano ManorGrace to fulfill his duty.
* You gain no items at this step.
4. Diallos' Choice:
* After defeating Rykard or receiving two more Letters (optional).
* Talk to Diallos again - he leaves Volcano ManorGrace and journeys to JarburgGrace.
* You gain no items at this step.
5. Diallos and Jar-Bairn in Jarburg:
* Find Diallos in a hut in JarburgGrace, tending to a small jar (Gidion).
* Exhaust their dialogues, learn about the attack on JarburgGrace.
* Rest at the Site of Grace and reload the area.
* Speak with both again for further development.
* You gain no items at this step.
6. Diallos' Fate:
* Progress Alexander's questline in Radahn's arena until encountering Gideon.
* Travel back to JarburgGrace - it will be under attack.
* Help Diallos defend the Jars.
* Talk to Diallos afterward:
* If you told him the Jars were safe, he thanks you and dies peacefully.
* If you told him the Jars were harmed, he blames himself and dies regretfully.
* You gain Diallos' Mask and Hoslow's Petal Whip after he dies.
7. Jar-Bairn's Legacy:
* Reload the area again.
* Jar-Bairn will move closer to Diallos' remains.
* Talk to Jar-Bairn - it inherits Diallos's mask and whip.
* You gain Knowledge of Madness gesture after exhausting Jar-Bairn's dialogue.
Note: Completing certain steps in Volcano Manor can alter the quest progression.
Additional Notes:
- This questline offers insights into Diallos' past and the fate of Hoslow.
- Jar-Bairn's story ties into Alexander's questline, emphasizing themes of companionship and loss.
- The choices you make during Diallos' final moments impact his final words and Jar-Bairn's development.
- RewardsDiallos's MaskHoslow's Petal WhipCompanion Jar