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Tanith, the mysterious proprietress of Volcano ManorGrace, offers you a path steeped in assassination and ambition. This guide details the steps, rewards, and potential consequences of following her bloody bidding.

Joining the Manor

1. Meet Tanith in Castle Sol: After defeating Rykard, rest at the Atlus Plateau Site of Grace and travel east to Castle Sol. Explore the castle until you reach Tanith's chamber.

- Reward: None

2. Exhaust Tanith's Dialogue: Speak with Tanith to learn about her demigod status and connection to Rykard.

- Reward: None

3. Agree to Serve: Choose to join Tanith and embark on her murderous quest.

- Reward: Drawing-Room Key, access to Volcano Manor

Assassination Contracts

Upon accepting Tanith's offer, you'll receive letters detailing your targets. Completing these contracts progresses the quest and grants rewards, but be wary of the moral implications.

1. Old Knight Istvan: Invade and defeat Istvan near the Divine Bridge Site of Grace in Stormhill.

- Reward: Magma Shot sorcery

2. Rileigh the Idle: Invade and defeat Rileigh in the Altus Plateau, northwest of the Windmill Village Site of Grace.

- Reward: Serpentbone Blade katana

3. Juno Hoslow: Invade and defeat Juno in the Mountaintops of the Giants, west of the Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace.

- Reward: Taker's Cameo talisman

Consequences and Conclusion

  • Completing all contracts allows you to fight Rykard again in Volcano ManorGrace. Defeating him progresses Tanith's quest.
  • * Optional: Explore Volcano Manor for its secrets and other quests, including patches' questline.

  • After defeating Rykard, return to Tanith for cryptic dialogue about her true identity.
  • * Choice: You can either:

    - Mend the Elden Ring: Refuse Tanith's path and follow your own, mending the Elden Ring as intended.

    - Follow Tanith: Embrace her ideals and potentially forge a new order. The true ending and Tanith's ultimate fate remain shrouded in mystery.

Important Note: Completing Tanith's questline has potential lore implications and may affect certain NPC quests and endings. Consider carefully before embarking on this bloody path.

Additional Notes

  • You can still complete Tanith's questline even if you've already defeated Rykard.
  • Certain actions, like killing Rykard before completing all contracts, can affect the quest and rewards.
  • Be mindful of invading other players as part of this questline.
    RewardsSerpentbone BladeTaker's CameoAspects of the Crucible: BreathConsort's Set