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Ash of War: Vow of the Indomitable
Ash of War: Vow of the Indomitable
Liurnia Highway SouthGrace
Liurnia of the LakesRegion
This Ash of War grants an armament the Sacred affinity and the following skill: Vow of the Indomitable: Skill of the ancient warriors of the Erdtree. Hold shield aloft to imbue yourself with golden power, granting momentary invincibility. Usable on all shields.
Ash of War: Vow of the Indomitable Location in Vow of the Indomitable: Liurnia of the LakesRegion: Dropped by a Teardrop Scarab, in the Southeast poisonous swamp area of the map, south from the Folly on the LakeGrace Site of Grace. The scarab is located in the center of an island, near an opening in the rocky overpass. Invincibility begins after 4 start-up frames and lasts for 30 iFrames with 2 frames of recovery (30 FPS)