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HomeSpirit Ashes
Nomad Ashes
Nomad Ashes
Subterranean Shunning-GroundsDungeon
Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell. Use to summon the spirit of a nomad. A member of a tribe that was entombed in the earth so as to bury The maddening disease that followed them. Able to emit the Terrible flame of frenzy from his eyes, but has low HP and is frail, Unable to take much in the way of punishment.
Nomad Ashes can be found on a corpse hanging off a ledge in the Subterranean Shunning-GroundsDungeon beneath the Royal Capital. To reach it, start at the Underground RoadsideGrace site of grace, take a left onto the main path and continue to the end where you will see two large enemies praying at statue. (This is past a shortcut gate that needs to be opened first. ) Turn right here to reach an open area, and immediately drop to your left. Follow the winding stairs down, then right to go through some hallways. If you keep moving in the same direction you will eventually reach the corpse past some basilisks. Be careful of the basilisks' death blight clouds as the arena is quite small.