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HomeSpirit Ashes
Stormhawk Deenh
Stormhawk Deenh
Chapel of AnticipationLandmark
Liurnia Highway SouthGrace
Liurnia of the LakesRegion
Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell. Use to summon the spirit of Deenh the Stormhawk. Spirit of a fierce hawk that faithfully rendered lifelong service to the old king of Stormveil long ago, when the true storm raged. Its Cries embolden its fellows in battle, and the tempestuous winds that encircle it shred through foes.
Chapel of AnticipationLandmark: Upon returning to this location later in the game, head to the south wing of the Chapel, onto the roof to find a door that leads to the wooden platforms above the main hall of this building. There is a chest on this platform containing the ashes.