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Godskin Swaddling Cloth
Godskin Swaddling Cloth
Mountaintops of the GiantsRegion
Spiritcaller's CaveGrace
Dropped by
Godskin Apostle and Godskin Noble
Spirit-Caller Snail
Successive attacks restore HP
PVP Effects
Restores ⌊MaxHP * 0.03⌋ + 30 HP with continuous attacks
Sacred cloth of the Godskin Apostles, made from supple skin sewn together. Successive attacks restore HP. The Gloam-Eyed Queen cradles newborn apostles swaddled in this cloth. Soon they will grow to become the death of the gods.
Spiritcaller Cave: Dropped by the Spirit-Caller Snail that summons the Godskin Apostle and Godskin Noble in a consecutive boss encounter. Sell Value: 1,000. When using the ash of war for Ghiza's wheel the effect doesn't work. BUG: While blocking with a shield and using a thrusting weapon, the effect will proc, but no health will be gained. However, the effect does work with the thrusting shield.