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Haligdrake Talisman +1
Haligdrake Talisman +1
Leyndell CatacombsGrace
Subterranean Shunning-GroundsDungeon
Greatly boosts holy damage negation
PVP Effects
Increases holy damage negation by 17%
Talisman depicting a duo of golden ancient dragons. Greatly boosts holy damage negation. The ancient dragons, who ruled in the prehistoric era before the Erdtree, would protect their lord as a wall of living rock. And so it is that the shape of the dragon has become symbolic of all manner of protections.
Haligdrake Talisman 1 can be looted in Leyndell CatacombsGrace: Found on a corpse next to a Lesser Spirit-caller Snail. From the Leyndell CatacombsGrace site of grace, head up the elevator in the southeast to find a room with 3 spirit crossbowmen. Look under the arch next to the stairs for an illusory wall. Hit it to dispel the illusion, and then hit the wall on the left to dispel another illusion. The corpse and snail are found in here. Haligdrake Talisman: Looted off a body in the Stranded GraveyardGrace, on a ledge above the start of the tutorial. There are two ways to reach it:. Travel to the Seaside RuinsGrace Site of Grace. Walk south a short distance along the edge of the cliff (just past the crumbling archway). Look down toward the beach below and look for the windstream. Hop on Torrent and simply walk off the edge. Travel north until you see a small cave opening in the cliff face. Travel to the The First StepGrace Site of Grace. and make your way down the cliff to the east (should lead to an area with bats and crucifixes). Continue south east towards a bunch of crumbling pillars. Line yourself up with the pillar that is standing on the beach. Then, run or walk off of the edge of the cliff and land on a small ledge on said pillar (do not jump as you will be blocked by the ledge at the same level as the cliff). Then, safely hop down to the beach and the entrance to the cave is on the bottom of the cliff. Haligdrake Talisman 2: Looted off a body in Mohgwyn PalaceLandmark, found in a small cluster of graves near a watchful Giant Crow perched up high. Haligdrake Talisman 3 or Golden Braid: Looted from a corpse found inside the trunk of a large dead tree (the only dead tree) in the Shaman VillageLandmark of the ScaduviewRegion region. 1 Variant Sell Value: 500. The Golden Braid functions as the 3 equivalent of the Haligdrake Talisman.