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Marika's Scarseal
Marika's Scarseal
Siofra RiverDungeon
Raises attributes, but also increases damage taken
PVP Effects
Increases mind/int/faith/arc by 3; -10% damage negations
An eye engraved with an Elden Rune. Said to be the seal of Queen Marika. Raises mind, intelligence, faith, arcane, but also increases damage taken. These seals represent the lifelong duty of those chosen by the gods.
The highest level of Siofra RiverDungeon. From the Worshipper's Woods Site of Grace, head south and up the broken pillar to the top of the ruin. On top of this ruin is a waygate that takes you to the area with the waterfall. Once you get there, head north north west till you see the Dragonkin Soldier in the lake. Head around to your right along the cliff to the waterfall under the arches, where you will find the talisman. You can collect this talisman without waking the boss. Sell Value: 3,000. Incompatible with Marika's Soreseal. Flat increases to attribute points are more impactful in the early-game. At later levels, it can often be a safer choice to use a different, complementary talisman, and avoid the additional damage taken. The Vagabond, Samurai and Wretch starter classes can reach 11 Intelligence and 11 Faith, the minimum Intelligence and Faith stat requirement of utilizing Smithscript Weapons, a type of throwable weapons by equipping Marika's Scarseal.