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Marika's Soreseal
Marika's Soreseal
Elphael, Brace of the HaligtreeDungeon
Greatly raises attributes, but also increases damage taken
PVP Effects
Increases mind/int/faith/arc by 5; -15% damage negations
This legendary talisman is an eye engraved with an Elden Rune, s Aid to be the seal of Queen Marika. Greatly raises mind, intelligence, faith, and arcane, but also increases damage taken by a similar measure. Solemn duty weighs upon the one beholden; not unlike a gnawing curse from which there is no deliverance.
Elphael, Brace of the HaligtreeDungeon: Found on an altar in a sealed room in the southeast lower levels. This room requires a Stonesword Key to unlock. From the Prayer RoomGrace Site of Grace, move through the door to the north, and cross over to the walkway that has the Erdtree Avatar. Head to the southern end of the walkway, then jump down the western side, jumping down once again to reach the sealed door. Alternatively, if you're feeling up for it, from the Elphael Inner WallGrace Site of Grace: leave the area through the eastern door and head down the ladder to the southeast. After going through the arch, turn right and follow the path, circling the city until you get to the imp statue. Be careful of enemies along the way, and inside the room as you pick up the talisman. Sell value: 3,000. Incompatible with Marika's Scarseal. Flat increases to attribute points are more impactful in the early-game. To determine if a soreseal is worth using, consider not only the item's penalty, but also the opportunity cost of a talisman slot. A player who replaces their soreseal talisman with a mere Crimson Amber Medallion will not only cease to take 15 more damage, but also gain 8 more HP. Cumulatively, this brings them from 100/115 to 108/100 effective HP, which constitutes a 24.2 increase when dividing the newer fraction by the former. This is the difference between dying in four hits and five, so if a build's last 20 levels don't give a 25 increase to health, damage, or something of equal value (20 absorption lowers 125 damage to 100), it is better to remove those levels to strip the soreseal off. Typically, this makes the soreseal not worth using by level 80 to 100, where most builds should be nearing their first damage cap. The Hero starter class can reach 11 Intelligence and 11 Faith, the minimum Intelligence and Faith stat requirement of utilizing Smithscript Weapons, a type of throwable weapons by equipping Marika's Soreseal.