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Mottled Necklace
Mottled Necklace
Ancient Ruins of RauhRegion
Hallowhorn GroundsLandmark
Nokron, Eternal CityGrace
The Four BelfriesGrace
Raises robustness, immunity, and focus
PVP Effects
Increases robustness, immunity, and focus by 40
A vividly-colored accoutrement precious to the ancestral followers. Raises immunity, robustness, and focus. Said to be a budding horn. The ancestral followers believed that the horns of a long-lived beast continue to bud like antlers, over and over again, until the beast one day becomes an ancestral spirit.
The very edge of the ruined bridge leading to Nokron, Eternal CityGrace. This area is accessible via waygate at The Four BelfriesGrace through the waygate labeled night sky unceasing . Mottled Necklace 2: In the Ancient Ruins of RauhRegion just after getting past the forge giant across the bridge. You must make your way through the ruin it was in front of, and once at the top proceed past the large stone structure all the way to the end of the area and unblock the spirit spring. Then jump down onto the spring and jump back up to the opposite side. The necklace will be at the top of the stairs. Mottled Necklace 1 Version - Can be found on a corpse on top of some ruined arches overlooking Hallowhorn GroundsLandmark in Nokron, Eternal CityGrace. From the stairway leading up to the Hallowhorn GroundsLandmark, circle around the left side of the structure and follow the inclines uphill as much as possible. You should eventually be able to get on top of the Hallowhorn GroundsLandmark structure. Sell Value: 1,000. 1 Version Sell Value: 2,000. 2 Version Sell Value: 3,000 2 Version is exclusive to Shadow of the Erdtree and is not available in the .