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Spelldrake Talisman +1
Spelldrake Talisman +1
Sellia, Town of SorceryLandmark
Greatly boosts magical damage negation
PVP Effects
Increases magic damage negation by 17%
Talisman depicting a duo of blue ancient dragon. Greatly boosts magic damage negation. The ancient dragons, who ruled in the prehistoric era before the Erdtree, would protect their lord as a wall of living rock. And so it is that the shape of the dragon has become symbolic of all manner of protections.
The Spelldrake Talisman 1 is located in Sellia, Town of SorceryLandmark. In a small room in the northwest section of town, right under the balcony containing the Staff of Loss. This room is initially sealed by a barrier that can be dispelled by lighting a brazier atop a tower in the southwest of town. Spelldrake Talisman: Acquired by defeating Runebear at the end of the Earthbore CaveGrace in the Weeping PeninsulaRegion. Spelldrake Talisman 2: Found in the secret catacombs underneath the Hidden Path to the HaligtreeGrace by turning right just before the Stray Mimic Tear's boss door, following the corridor up and taking the lift. The talisman can be found on a corpse in an alcove at the top. See the location's page for details on how to get to the catacombs. Spelldrake Talisman 3: Can be looted from a corpse near the Castle FrontGrace site of Grace near Castle EnsisRegion. From the Castle FrontGrace site of Grace, If you go directly north you can drop off of the cliffside and then follow the path east which will lead you to the storeroom where the talisman is located. 1 Sell Value: 500 Runes. Effect: Reduces damage taken from Magic attacks. The following formula can be used to calculate what the magic damage negation will be after equipping the 1 talisman: MNWT 100 - [(100 - MNWOT) 0.8] MNWT: Magic Negation With Talisman, MWNOT: Magic Negation With Out Talisman