Awarded upon killing Alabaster Lord in the Lake of RotDungeon.
You have to raise the platforms to get up to him by stepping on the buttons around the swamp.
There are two buttons that are next to small columns or obelisks.
Once you get raised on the platform, take on the long and narrow path, after a few meters you will be greeted by this enemy.
Kill him to obtain the Alabaster Lord's Sword.
Note: If Alabaster Lord dies after you die the sword will not drop.
Awarded upon killing Alabaster Lord in Yelough Anix TunnelGrace.
Below shows where the platform activation is at.
You will know it it the correct one if it lifts you up with it.
It has a ladder to climb down from it on the South East corner.
Alabaster Lords' Pull.
This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War.
Can't be buffed by Magic or Consumables
Alabaster Lord's Sword can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones
Deals 20 damage to Gravity type enemies
Can deal damage twice if you hit the enemy with the blade when you plunge it into the ground when using Alabaster Lord's Pull
Alabaster Lord's Pull deals mostly Physical Damage ( 80 ) and some Magic Damage ( 20 )
At 80 Strength, 12 Dexterity and 18 Intelligence, the Alabaster Lord's Sword has 736 AR while one-handed and 773 AR while two-handed.
Sell Value: 500 |