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Cleanrot Knight's Sword
Cleanrot Knight's Sword
Max Level
Thrusting Sword
Hits per Minute85A
Physical Damage Type
The Shaded CastleDungeon
Dropped by
Cleanrot Knight4%
Lesser Cleanrot Knight4%
Excellent piercing attacks, good Dexterity and Faith scaling, innate Scarlet Rot buildup
Somewhat specific moveset
Piercing sword of the Cleanrot Knights who fought alongside Malenia, Blade of Miquella. Mainly used as a backup weapon, in combination with a long- Handled armament.
Drops from most Lesser Cleanrot Knights. The single Cleanrot Knight outside the Prayer RoomGrace Site of Grace in Elphael, Brace of the HaligtreeDungeon is a convenient location for farming. For a farming spot much earlier in the game, starting at the Inner AeoniaGrace Site of Grace, head South through the roots and there will be a Cleanrot Knight amidst several Aoenian Butterflies Impaling Thrust. This weapon can be infused with Ashes of War. Can be buffed by Magic or Consumables Cleanrot Knight's Sword can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones. Despite its similar size and shape, it does not share the slashing moves of the Estoc. Additionally, despite being visually shorter than the Estoc, it is substantially longer than the Estoc As its description might suggest, its quick pokes and length make it a great choice in the offhand alongside other weapons. Sell value: 200 Base drop rate is 4 (at 100 Discovery). The Cleanrot Knight's Sword can be infused with Ashes of War. See usable Ashes of War. All Affinities Ash of War: Impaling ThrustImpops from most Lesser Cleanrot Knights. The single Cleanrot Knight outside the Prayer Room Site of Grace in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree is a convenient location for farming. For a farming spot much earlier in the game, starting at the Inner Aeonia Site of Grace, head South through the roots and there will be a Cleanrot Knight amidst several Aoenian Butterflies Impaling Thrust. This weapon can be infused with Ashes of War. Can be buffed by Magic or Consumables Cleanrot Knight's Sword can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones. Despite its similar size and shape, it does not share the slashing moves of the Estoc. Additionally, despite being visually shorter than the Estoc, it is substantially longer than the Estoc As its description might suggest, its quick pokes and length make it a great choice in the offhand alongside other weapons. Sell value: 200 Base drop rate is 4 (at 100 Discovery). The Cleanrot Knight's Sword can be infused with Ashes of War. See usable Ashes of War. All Affinities Ash of War: Impaling Thrust (Default) Ash of War: Parry Ash of War: Cragblade Ash of War: Kick Ash of War: Endure Ash of War: Ground Slam Ash of War: Hoarah Loux's Earthshaker Ash of War: Piercing Fang Ash of War: Repeating Thrust Ash of War: Quickstep Ash of War: Bloodhound's Step Ash of War: Raptor of the Mists Ash of War: Beast's Roar Ash of War: Storm Blade Ash of War: Storm Stomp Ash of War: Vacuum Slice Ash of War: Determination Ash of War: Royal Knight's Resolve Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Fire, and Flame Art Ash of War: Flaming Strike Ash of War: Flame of the Redmanes Ash of War: Flame Skewer Ash of War: Fire Spear Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Lightning, and Sacred Ash of War: Thunderbolt Ash of War: Lightning Slash Ash of War: Blinkbolt Ash of War: Lightning Ram Ash of War: Sacred Blade Ash of War: Sacred Order Ash of War: Shared Order Ash of War: Golden Slam Ash of War: Golden Vow Ash of War: Aspects of the Crucible: Wings Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Magic, and Cold Ash of War: Glintstone Pebble Ash of War: Glintblade Phalanx Ash of War: Carian Greatsword Ash of War: Carian Grandeur Ash of War: Carian Sovereignty Ash of War: Spinning Weapon Ash of War: Gravitas Ash of War: Chilling Mist Ash of War: Ghostflame Call Ash of War: Hoarfrost Stomp Ash of War: Divine Beast Frost Stomp Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Poison, Blood, and Occult Ash of War: Poisonous Mist Ash of War: Poison Moth Flight Ash of War: The Poison Flower Blooms Twice Ash of War: Blood Blade Ash of War: Bloody Slash Ash of War: Blood Tax Ash of War: Seppuku Ash of War: White Shadow's Lure Ash of War: Assassin's Gambit Ash of War: Shriek of Sorrow