Chance to drop from any Cuckoo Knight wielding the greatshield.
Farming route : If you farm this route in reverse coming from Bellum ChurchGrace, you can snipe the sitting Cuckoo Knight first and ignore the other mobs.
By the time you kill the last Cuckoo Knight you should have enough distance between you and the other mobs to go out of combat.
If you start from the East Raya Lucaria GateGrace Site of Grace and kill the sitting Cuckoo Knight last, you'll have to either run back to the site of grace, kill all the surrounding mobs or use your Memory of Grace, since being in combat will prevent you from fast traveling.
Alternative route : Start in the Bellum ChurchGrace and head east.
While behind the ruin (Point 1), summon your spirit ash.
Go around to the front, and immediately kill the caster standing on the ruin (just to make the fight less annoying).
Kill the Cuckoo Knight and two other mobs (Point 2); while fighting, a farther mob will sound a horn.
This will summon a horseback Knight.
While fighting the horseback Knight, another will come around during their standard patrol.
After these three have been killed, head south-west and then east to go up the hill to Point 3. A solo Knight will be here.
After killing, refill on HP/FP and jump down the ruins and follow the path to Point 4. Summon your ashes again to fight the group on the road, including a Knight.
While fighting this group, you may attract the attention of the Knight on the north-west side of the road.
If not, head up to kill them, then cross the road to kill the final one.
This path will net you 7 Cuckoo Knight kills in around 2 minutes.
Shield Skill: This armament has no skill.
If the armament in the other hand has a skill, that skill will be used instead.
This shield can be infused with Ashes of War and buffed with Magic and Consumables.
Sell Value: 200
The Cuckoo Greatshield can be infused with Ashes of War.
See usable Ashes of War |