Weapon said to have been whittled from the claw of a great, ancient dragon, wielded by grotesque Tree Sentinels who yet serve the Erdtree.
The claw is enwreathed with lightning, and tears through the dragons' feeble descendants with ease. |
Dropped by the Draconic Tree Sentinel, fought at Capital OutskirtsRegion.
This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War.
Can't be buffed by Magic or Consumables
Dragon Greatclaw can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones.
Deals 30 damage against Dragon type enemies
Deals 15 damage against Ancient Dragon type enemies
At the minimum 30 STR / 14 DEX, this weapon has the lowest AR of all colossal weapons, assuming Heavy affinity on weapons which can equip Ashes of War.
At 80 STR, it still has the lowest AR, due to its poor Strength scaling.
It does start to shine at later levels with split str/dex investment, becoming a reliable Quality weapon.
A good weapon in its class for fighting against the Dragon field bosses throughout the game such as Flying Dragon Agheel or Glintstone Dragon Smarag due to its bonus damage against these enemies.
Sell Value: 500. |