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Fingerprint Stone Shield
Fingerprint Stone Shield
Max Level
Physical Damage Type
Cathedral of the ForsakenGrace
Frenzied Flame ProscriptionGrace
Highest guard boost of ANY shield, excellent resistances, heavy
Extreme weight, requires very high Strength
A great stone shield with an intricately carved fingerprint design. One of the heaviest of all greatshields. Part of the tomb of an ancient god, the Readerless Fingers relayed their message through these imprints, said to be the very seeds from which frenzy first sprouted.
Cathedral of the ForsakenGrace. IMPORTANT: Before you start, you must first defeat Morgott, the Omen King; otherwise a seal will be blocking the final area before the shield. After defeating Mohg, the Omen in the Cathedral of the ForsakenGrace you can roll/attack the altar behind the chest and it will move down out of the way revealing a path. The area after Mohg contains a large vertical shaft. After descending the shaft to a certain point, the only way to descend further is by dropping down to various tiny graves sticking out of the walls. Shunning Grounds, You'll be at the last wooden beam on the southern side of the shaft. There'll be a Nomad on the final southern platform playing a violin. Where this Nomad is is exactly where you need to drop off to start dropping down the gravestones on the eastern shaft wall. Carefully drop off of this southeast corner of the shaft onto the first tiny headstone. You'll be able to see the next headstone you need to reach down the shaft's eastern side. For the first jump, starting at the southern most part of the first tiny headstone you're standing on, walk forwards, press the jump button, then let go of forward immediately (try not to hug the eastern wall as the geometry will move you out into the shaft). This will usually reach the second headstone. On the second headstone, turn to face the southern wall, and do the same thing you did in the previous step (remember not to hug the eastern wall while doing it, or the geometry might push you in a weird direction). This will usually reach the third headstone. Finally, from the southernmost part of the third headstone, just walk off the headstone facing the north wall. You'll reach the fourth headstone. There is an item here you can pick up but there's still another step left before getting the shield. Enter the alcove that the fourth headstone jutted out of. Turn right then walk down a corridor moving west. The shield is at the end of this corridor, along with a Nomad. The Nomad's attacks can be used to destroy the environment at the other end of the corridor where you came from to obtain another item, so be careful about killing it too quickly. Shield Skill: Shield Bash. This shield can be infused with Ashes of War. Can be buffed by defensive Magic or Consumables Fingerprint Stone Shield can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones. If set to an Arcane scaling affinity (Blood, or Poison), the default Madness build up on this weapon will also increase with points spent on Arcane. If Magic infusion is applied, it receives up to 96.25 magic damage reduction at the slight cost of guard boost and physical damage reduction. If Fire infusion is applied, it receives up to 100 fire damage reduction at the slight cost of guard boost and physical damage reduction, making this shield very useful against enemies using fire-based attacks as it can completely block fire damages. Sell Value: 200 Fingerprint Stone Shield can be modified by Ashes of War. See usable Ashes of War. All Affinities Ash of War: Shield Bash (Default) Ash of War: Shield Crash Ash of War: Barricade Shield Ash of War: Shield Strike Ash of War: No Skill Only Standard, Heavy, Keen, Quality, Lightning, and Sacred Ash of War: Vow of the Indomitable Ash of War: Holy Ground