Chance to drop from Redmane Knight in Fort GaelLandmark.
Chance to drop from a Leyndell Knight wielding it in Altus PlateauGrace, near the Altus Highway JunctionGrace Site of Grace.
From the chest at the Highway Lookout Tower (Altus Plateau)LandmarkAltus PlateauGraceop from Redmane Knight in Fort Gael.
Chance to drop from a Leyndell Knight wielding it in Altus Plateau, near the Altus Highway Junction Site of Grace.
From the chest at the Highway Lookout Tower (Altus Plateau) to the north of the Divine Capital.
Chance to drop from Mausoleum Knights (only the Greatsword and Greatbow variants).
4 chance to drop from Black Knights in Shadow of the Erdtree.
Through and Through.
This weapon can be infused with Ashes of War.
It can be infused with Through and Through, Rain of Arrows, and Igon's Drake Hunt with standard affinity.
Can't be buffed by Magic or Consumables
Greatbow can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones.
Sell value: 200 Runes.
Base drop rate is 4 (at 100 Discovery).
All Bows (not Crossbows) only need 2/3 of the STR requirement, since they can only be used two-handed. |