Treasured sword of Eochaid, a lesser, long-vanished domain.
The copper coloration is not to be confused for rust, but is a conduit for its wielder to move it by their will alone.
Swords of Eochaid dance through the skies |
Going through the Gaol CaveGrace and reaching the end of the dungeon.
An alternative route would be to start at the Third Church of MarikaGrace and face Southeast.
Ride your horse until the cliff meets the water.
The cliffside here should have a more red hue to it than the rest of the rock found in LimgraveRegion.
If you're facing the wall due East you'll notice a cragged vertical line where one part of the cliff face is protruding from another.
Double jump on Torrent while following that line and you should now be riding up the cliff face.
Now turn your camera to face Northeast, you'll notice what appears to be an arrowhead of grey stone forming a flat surface among the red-hued cliff.
Jump there, then turn the camera South.
While it doesn't look feasible, sprint jump with torrent towards the protrusion across the before mentioned cragged vertical line.
When you land, quickly double jump (facing East) to get on top of the ledge.
You'll notice above you several steps in the cliff face just slightly to the right- climb those.
Then, jump due North onto the final platform.
You will now be above the cliff and able to drop down to the weapon.
Eochaid's Dancing Blade.
This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War.
Cannot be enchanted with Magic nor buffed by Consumables
Regalia of Eochaid can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones
Eochaid's Dancing Blade's damage is based on total Attack Rating, so using things that boost your AR will increase its damage significantly.
Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, Millicent's Prosthesis and the Thorny Cracked Tear all boost the damage of this Skill since each strike of the corkscrew is considered an attack.
Despite having C scaling in both Dexterity and Arcane, you get far more damage out of this Weapon for each point of Arcane.
Past 20 Dexterity damage starts to decline with this Attribute, making this a great weapon to pair with Arcane spellcasters, since you typically invest heavily into this Attribute to maximize damage.
Sell Value: 500
Known as Eochaid's Gemsword in 1.00 version of the game. |