Can be dropped by Lesser Crystalian enemies located within Elphael, Brace of the HaligtreeDungeon.
2 of them can be found in the room just next to the Elphael Inner WallGrace site of grace.
A consistent strategy is to lure one of them out with any throwable item, projectile weapon or spell, then use a striking-type weapon of your choice to fish for backstabs, followed with a charged heavy attack as they rise from the ground.
After several critical or heavy blows the Lesser Crystalian will crack and become easy to stunlock with regular attacks.
Best way to farm is to go to the one at the Elphael Inner WallGrace, use the Fallingstar Beast Jaw 9 Weapon Art and kill it without passing over the tree root and aggroing the spearmen.
Takes a few tries to get the drop, but no skill required.
Charge Forth.
This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War.
Can't be buffed by Magic or Consumables
Rotten Crystal Spear can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones
Sell Value: 200
Base drop rate is 8 (at 100 Discovery). |